1. Business strategies of Steel Authority of India Limited with emphasis on environmental issuesSanjiv Bhartiya, 2008, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: Indija, jeklarska industrija, Steel Authority of India Limited, poslovanje podjetja, uspšenost poslovanja, strategija, strateško planiranje, management, analiza, India, steel industry, Steel Authority of India Limited, company performance, strategy, strategic planning, management, analysis Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
2. Strategic performance management in small and medium sized enterprises in highly competitive industriesHristijan Georgievski, 2016, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: entrepreneurship, SMEs, company performance, business efficiency, measurements, strategic management, competitivity, models, research, analysis Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
4. Strategy and action plan of the company RITESNilanjan Lahiri, 2014, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: Indija, svetovanje, podjetje, RITES, poslovanje podjetja, uspešnost poslovanja, strategija, planiranje, strateški management, organizacijske strukture, analiza, India, consulting, enterprises, RITES, company performance, business efficiency, strategy, planning, strategic management, organizational structures, analysis Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
5. Implementing the green infrastructure concept in practiceNaja Marot, Barbara Kostanjšek, Nadja Penko Seidl, Jörn Harfst, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: green infrastructure, multi-level governance, EU-strategy for the Alpine Region, strategic planning, macro-regional strategy, institutional framework, waste management Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,76 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. The development of dynamic capabilities within strategic management in Macedonian companiesFisnik Oseku, 2015, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: Makedonija, podjetje, poslovanje podjetja, uspešnost poslovanja, strateški management, raziskave, design, podatki, dinamika, Macedonia, enterprises, company performance, business efficiency, strategic management, research, design, data, dynamics Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
8. The role of entrepreneurship and strategic management in Kosovo SME sectorAlbina Tafilaj, Sehare Maliqi, 2017, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: Kosovo, entrepreneurship, enterprises, SMEs, strategic management, indicators, growing company, analysis Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
9. Risk management and strategy alignmentDarja Peljhan, Mojca Marc, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: entrepreneurship, management, strategy, strategic type, new product development, NPD, enterprise risk management, ERM, NPD performance Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,85 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
10. The role of sustainable HRM in sustainable developmentBarbara Duvnjak, Andrej Kohont, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, strategic HRM, sustainable HRM, sustainability reporting, accountability, social responsibility of business, human capital, management Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,17 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |