1. Analiza motiviranja in nagrajevanja v izbranem podjetjuMatej Obid, 2013, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: human resource management, personnel, satisfaction, motivation, salaries, prizes, remuneration, case study, analysis Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
2. Motiviranje zaposlenih v času omejenih finančnih možnostiRastko Lamut, 2013, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: human resource management, personnel, motivation, remuneration, prizes, finance, crises, leadership, communications, satisfaction, case study Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
3. Patterns of production and consumption of unpaid workAna Šeme, 2015, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: delo, delovna razmerja, plače, nagrade, produkcija, potrošnja, družbeni računi, mednarodne primerjave, Italija, Nizozemska, Velika Britanija, work, labour relations, salaries, prizes, production, consumption, national accounts, international comparisons, Italy, The Netherlands, Great Britain Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
4. The role of incentive schemes on shaping reference values and influencing decisions about risk and effortKarla Oblak, 2018, doktorska disertacija Ključne besede: neuroscience, psychology, remuneration, prizes, motivation, labour efficiency, risk, behavioural sciences, sanctions, sex, research, analysis Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
5. The influence of accountability on managerial myopiaMina Ličen, 2019, doktorska disertacija Ključne besede: management accounting, management, manager, responsibility, leadership, neuroscience, psychology, control, prizes, money Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
6. Exploring crowdfunding in new venture teamsSabina Grižančič, 2024, doktorska disertacija Ključne besede: crowdfunding, assets, capital, prizes, teamwork, strategy, asymmetric information, communications, success, efficency Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |