1. Linear and neural network-based models for short-term heat load forecastingPrimož Potočnik, Ervin Strmčnik, Edvard Govekar, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: district heating, heat load forecasting, feature extraction, stepwise regression, autoregressive model, neural networks Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 838,14 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Primerjava rezultatov izravnave prostorske mreže z rezultati izravnav horizontalne in višinske mrežeMartin Tisovnik, 2013, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: geodezija, diplomska naloga, VSŠ, geodetske mreže, Moste, Dobravica, izravnava geodetske mreže, graduation thesis, geodesy, geodetic networks, Moste, Dobravica, data adjustment of geodetic network Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 5,35 MB) |
4. Improving convolutional neural networks performance for image classification using test time augmentationIbrahem Kandel, Mauro Castelli, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: image classification, convolutional neural networks, transfer learning, test time 29 augmentation, deep learning, ensemble learning Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,82 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. Comparing stacking ensemble techniques to improve musculoskeletal fracture image classificationIbrahem Kandel, Mauro Castelli, Aleš Popovič, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: neuroscience, deep learning, image classification, stacking, ensemble learning, convolutional neural networks, transfer learning, medical images Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,12 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
8. Computational approaches for gene network discoveryTomaž Curk, 2007, doktorska disertacija Ključne besede: machine learning, bioinformatics, visualization, rule-based clustering, gene networks, functional genomics, modeling regulation of gene expression, decomposition of gene expression profile signatures, dissertations Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,64 MB) |
9. Authenticating identity addressingBlaž Primc, 2010, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: computer networks, authentication, identity, addressing, access control, computer science, diploma Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,19 MB) |
10. Indie game developmentRok Črešnik, 2013, diplomsko delo Ključne besede: indie game development, mobile games, iOS, Objective-C, cocos2d, Box2D, mobile devices, monetization, virality, animation, sound, collision detection, collision resolution, social networks, computer science, diploma Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 4,37 MB) |