Ključne besede: computer science, cloud computing, cloud storage, data integrity, cloud computing services, computer and information science, diplomaCelotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,48 MB)
Ključne besede: geodezija, diplomska naloga, računalništvo v oblaku, storitve v oblaku, generične aplikacije, strežnik, izmenjava datotek, urejanje datotek v oblaku, graduation thesis, geodesy, cloud computing, cloud services, generic applications, server, sharing files, editing files in the cloudCelotno besedilo (datoteka, 3,85 MB)
Ključne besede: informatics, cloud computing, information systems, information technology, services, programmes, cases, analysisCelotno besedilo (povezava drugam)
Ključne besede: Croatia, SMEs, accounting, services, informatics, cloud computing, software, supply, researchCelotno besedilo (povezava drugam)