1. Existence and multiplicity of solutions for double-phase Robin problemsNikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicenţiu Rǎdulescu, Dušan Repovš, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: double phase Robin problem, Carathéodory nonlinearity, existence theorem, superlinear case, positive solutions, resonant case Full text (file, 327,04 KB) |
4. On a ▫$p(\cdot)$▫-biharmonic problem with no-flux boundary conditionMaria-Magdalena Boureanu, Vicenţiu Rǎdulescu, Dušan Repovš, 2016, original scientific article Keywords: variable exponent, new variable exponent subspace, ▫$p(\cdot)$▫-biharmonic operator, nonlinear elliptic problem, weak solutions, existence, multiplicity Full text (file, 692,01 KB) |
5. Existence of solutions for systems arising in electromagnetismMohamed Karim Hamdani, Dušan Repovš, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: variable exponent, p(x)-curl system, Palais Smale compactness condition, Fountain theorem, Dual Fountain theorem, existence of solutions, multiplicity of solutions, electromagnetism Full text (file, 770,92 KB) |
7. On a new fractional Sobolev space with variable exponent on complete manifoldsAhmed Aberqi, Omar Benslimane, Abdesslam Ouaziz, Dušan Repovš, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: fractional ▫$p(z, \cdot)$▫-Laplacian, existence of solutions, fractional Sobolev space with variable exponent on complete manifolds, variational method Full text (file, 1,68 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. A double phase problem with a nonlinear boundary conditionDebajyoti Choudhuri, Dušan Repovš, Kamel Saoudi, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: variable exponent Sobolev space, double phase operator, nonlinear boundary condition, Steklov eigenvalue problem, Robin eigenvalue problem, existence Full text (file, 308,20 KB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Singular $p$-biharmonic problems involving the Hardy-Sobolev exponentAmor Drissi, Abdeljabbar Ghanmi, Dušan Repovš, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: p-Laplacian operator, p-biharmonic equation, variational method, existence of solutions, Hardy potential, critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent, Ekeland variational principle, mountain pass geometry Full text (file, 337,32 KB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Fractional Sobolev spaces with kernel function on compact Riemannian manifoldsAhmed Aberqi, Abdesslam Ouaziz, Dušan Repovš, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: nonlinear elliptic problem, fractional Sobolev spaces, kernel function, Lévy-integrability condition, compact Riemannian manifolds, existence of solutions, topological degree theory Full text (file, 503,36 KB) This document has more files! More... |