1. Non-agricultural databases and thesauriTomaž Bartol, 2012, original scientific article Keywords: podatkovne zbirke, baze podatkov, deskriptorji, ključne besede, tezavri, indeksiranje, metapodatki, terminologija, semantika, ontologija, klasifikacija, kontrolirani slovarji, kmetijstvo, databases, agriculture, controlled vocabularies, indexing, descriptors, thesauri, subject headings, terminology, semantics, ontology Full text (outside link) |
2. Assessment of classification and indexing of an agricultural journal based on metadata in AGRIS and CAB Abstracts databasTomaž Bartol, 2009, original scientific article Keywords: podatkovne zbirke, baze podatkov, kmetijstvo, ključne besede, tezavri, indeksiranje, klasifikacija, terminologija, semantika, ontologija, databases, agriculture, descriptors, thesauri, indexing, terminology, semantics, ontology Full text (outside link) |
3. Scientific and technical information on organic farming: assessment of selected bibliographic indicators in database CAB AbstractsTomaž Bartol, Špela Drnovšek, Majda Černič Istenič, 2005, original scientific article Keywords: ekološko kmetijstvo, bibliografske podatkovne zbirke, bibliografski podatki, iskanje informacij, razkropljenost informacij, zbiranje podatkov, znanstvena informatika, bibliometrija, scientometrija, organic farming, bibliographic databases, bibliographic data, information scatter, data collection, data processing, documentation, terminology, scientometrics, bibliometrics Full text (outside link) |
4. Načrtovanje in izgradnja relacijske podatkovne baze za funkcionalna živilaSimona Juvan, Tomaž Bartol, Bojana Boh Podgornik, 2005, original scientific article Keywords: funkcionalna živila, relacijske baze, bibliografske podatkovne zbirke, načrtovanje, zbiranje podatkov, obdelava podatkov, klasifikacija, znanstvena informatika, bibliometrija, prehrana ljudi, zdrava hrana, preprečevanje bolezni, biološko aktivne snovi, functional foods, relational databases, bibliographic databases, planing, design, data collection, data processing, classification, documentation, information science, bibliometrics, scientometrics, human nutrtion, health foods, disease prevention, biologically active compounds Full text (outside link) |
5. Scientometric assessment of publishing patterns of agricultural researchers in the Slovenian national journals as indexed by the national online bibliographic database COBISS/COBIBTomaž Bartol, Karmen Stopar, 2004, original scientific article Keywords: kmetijstvo, biotehnika, scientometrija, bibliometrija, analiza podatkov, podatkovne zbirke, katalogi, OPAC, dokumentalistika, procesiranje informacij, razkropljenost informacij, publikacije, revije, vrednotenje raziskovanja, agriculture, scientometrics, bibliometrics, data analysis, databases, OPAC catalogues, documentation, information processing, diffusion of information, journals, research evaluation Full text (outside link) |
7. Computational study of drugs targeting nuclear receptorsMaša Kenda, Marija Sollner Dolenc, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: endocrine-disrupting chemicals, drugs, databases, nuclear receptors, molecular docking, multidimensional QSAR Full text (file, 1,59 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Structural biologyOlivero Carugo, Kristina Djinović Carugo, 2023, other scientific articles Keywords: structural biology, protein structure prediction, protein structure, molecular structure, protein structure determination, macromolecules, protein structure databases, crystal structure, structural proteins Full text (file, 301,53 KB) This document has more files! More... |
9. DNA barcoding insufficiently identifies European wild bees (Hymenoptera, Anthophila) due to undefined species diversity, genus-specific barcoding gaps and database errorsJanko Šet, Rok Šturm, Blaž Koderman, Danilo Bevk, Andrej Gogala, Denis Kutnjak, Klemen Čandek, Matjaž Gregorič, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: insect pollinators, wild bees, DNA, biodiversity, databases, insect decline, pollinator, species delimitation, taxonomic impediment Full text (file, 1,83 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Selecting a graph database management systemNino Brezac, 2024, master's thesis Keywords: databases, graphs, graph analytics, graph algorithms, performance analysis, Cypher, Gremlin, Neo4j, Memgraph, TigerGraph Full text (file, 5,93 MB) |