4. Nondestructive characterization of dry heat-treated fir (Abies Alba Mill.) timber in view of possible structural useAleš Straže, Gorazd Fajdiga, Bojan Gospodarič, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: heat treatment, wood, structural changes, nondestructive testing, ultrasound, Euler-Bernoulli, modulus of elasticity Full text (file, 2,37 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Differentiation of last formed tracheids in wood of silver firs (Abies alba) having various cambial productivityJožica Gričar, Aleš Straže, Katarina Čufar, 2003, original scientific article Keywords: wood, silver fir, tracheids, cambial activity, differentiation Full text (file, 121,14 KB) |
6. Changes of ashwood pH-value during conventional dryingAleš Straže, Sandi Torkar, Vesna Tišler, Željko Gorišek, 2003, original scientific article Keywords: ash-wood, pH-value, drying, drying conditions Full text (file, 280,37 KB) |
7. Uporaba lesno-plastičnih kompozitov v tehnologiji 4D tiskaDaša Krapež Tomec, Aleš Straže, Matevž Kokot, Manja Kitek Kuzman, Mirko Kariž, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: les, 3D tisk, 4D tisk, lesno-plastični kompoziti, materiali z oblikovnim spominom Full text (file, 5,91 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Tehnološke lastnosti in uporabnost lesa velikega pajesena v primerjavi z lesom velikega jesenaŽeljko Gorišek, Denis Plavčak, Aleš Straže, Maks Merela, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: les, veliki pajesen, Ailanthus altissima, veliki jesen, Fraxinus excelsior, anatomija lesa, fizikalne lastnosti, mehanske lastnosti, uporaba Full text (file, 2,82 MB) This document has more files! More... |