
Izražanje čustev pri učencih ob integraciji ustvarjalnega giba v učne ure : magistrsko delo
ID Šarec, Romana (Author), ID Prosen, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Geršak, Vesna (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4992/ This link opens in a new window

Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali se pojavi več prijetnih čustev pri učencih, kadar pri učnih urah uporabljamo metodo ustvarjalnega giba, v primerjavi s poukom, ki ustvarjalnega giba ne vključuje ter zlasti ugotavljanje značilnosti pojavljanja čustva veselja: na kakšen način, v katerih situacijah in kako intenzivno izbrani učenci izražajo veselje. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako so z učnimi urami zadovoljni vsi učenci. Teoretični del obravnava splošne značilnosti čustev, posebej so predstavljene značilnosti posameznih temeljnih čustev. Največji poudarek je na temeljnem pozitivnem čustvu veselju. Analizirala sem tudi metodo ustvarjalnega giba in pojasnila prednosti takega poučevanja. Empirični del obsega predstavitev dela raziskave Pomen ustvarjalnega giba za različna področja razvoja pri učencih razredne stopnje, ki jo je izvedel tim Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Podrobno je predstavljen in analiziran tisti del raziskave, ki se navezuje na čustvovanje otrok v drugem razredu osnovne šole. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih pet razredov drugošolcev (N = 116), od tega je bilo 73 učencev v eksperimentalni skupini, ki je bila deležna poučevanja z metodo ustvarjalnega giba in 43 v kontrolni skupini brez ustvarjalnega giba. Med vsemi učenci smo študentke s pomočjo Opazovalne sheme čustev natančneje opazovale 20 naključno izbranih učencev, štiri iz vsakega razreda, splošno zadovoljstvo pa smo ugotavljale pri vseh učencih s pomočjo Lestvice trenutnega počutja. Rezultati so pokazali, da je pri vseh učencih najpogosteje izraženo čustvo veselje. Le tega so učenci izražali na različne načine. Pri učnih urah, kjer je bil prisoten ustvarjalni gib, so veselje najpogosteje izražali z nasmehom, odprtimi usti in medmeti, v kontrolni skupini pa z nasmehi, vzkliki in komentarji. Največkrat so v obeh skupinah izraze veselja sprožile dejavnosti, v eksperimentalni skupini pa še nastop in socialne interakcije, medtem ko so v kontrolni skupini učenci izražali veselje pogosteje še ob svojih idejah, zmagi in humorju. Dobljeni rezultati nakazujejo več pojavljanja veselja ob socialnih interakcijah v eksperimentalni skupini in ob samostojnih dosežkih v kontrolni skupini. Rezultati so pokazali, da izbrani učenci, ki imajo pouk popestren z metodo ustvarjalnega giba, močneje izražajo čustvo veselje. Pri zadovoljstvu učencev pa sem ugotovila, da med učenci eksperimentalne in kontrolne skupine ne prihaja do pomembnih razlik v zadovoljstvu med učnimi urami. Takšni rezultati so najbrž odraz izredno zanimivih in pestrih učnih ur v obeh skupinah.

Keywords:ustvarjalni gib, razredni pouk, čustva v šoli, veselje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[R. Šarec]
Number of pages:102 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99957 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11927113 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Primary school children's emotional expression during integration of creative movement into the classroom
The master's thesis focuses on emotions which arise in class when utilizing the creative movement method. The aim of the paper is to examine whether lessons employing the method induce more positive feelings with students, as opposed to lessons in which the creative movement method is not used. The theoretical part of the thesis surmises general features of emotions, with the emphasis on the qualities of individual basic emotions. The main focus is on the positive basic emotion of joy. The paper continues with an overview of emotional development in regard to the age and entails descriptions of emotions that primary school students express. We analyze the creative movement teaching method and elaborate on the advantages of utilizing it. The empirical part of the thesis includes an overview of the research project, Importance of Creative Movement in Different Development Stages of the First Level Primary School Students, which was conducted by the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. The part of the research, which focuses on the emotions of the 2nd grade primary school students, is prominently featured and analyzed. The survey included 116 2nd grade students that participated in the survey. Students were divided into the experimental (73 students) and control (43 students) group. The purpose of the research was to establish whether students show more positive feelings when the creative movement method is utilized, than during the lessons that do not use that method. During the survey we tried to recognize the feelings that are expressed by students in the lessons which employ the creative movement method, and observe how the students respond to such lessons. Furthermore, we tried to identify the situations that heighten the feeling of joy, as well as measure the levels of intensity of the emotion. To obtain the results, we used the Current mood scale and the Observational scheme of emotions. The results reveal that students the most frequently expressed a positive feeling is joy, in both groups. The students in the experimental group expressed the emotion of joy more prominently, mostly with smiles, open-mouth expressions, and interjections. The control group expressed their joy the most frequently with smiles, cheers and in-class comments. The experimental group was most likely to engage in showing joy in instances of activities, performance and social interaction, while the control group expressed joy during activities, but more frequently also when sharing their ideas, winning, and humor. We can surmise that the expressions of joy, in the experimental group, were triggered due to the application of the creative movement method. The students in the experimental group displayed the emotion of joy more frequently as result of group achievements, while the students in the control group also displayed the emotions, yet these emotions were more frequently the results of the individual achievements. Results also show no differences in the contentedness of all students during lessons. The empirical part of the thesis reveals that both utilized methods prominently encourage students to express the emotions of joy.

Keywords:motion, learning, primary education, gibanje, učenje, osnovnošolski pouk

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