
Beleženje delovnega časa z uporabo tehnologije RFID
ID MAŠIĆ, TADEJ (Author), ID Jakus, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6610DDBD0D88993DC05CAB4DB7710E93
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/da291acd-91d9-4405-a576-44db47305e6c

Za beleženje delovnega časa zaposlenih se v podjetjih in ustanovah uporabljajo različne metode. Kljub razpoložljivim sodobnih tehnologijam še vedno ponekod najdemo beleženje delovnega časa z vpisovanjem prihodov in odhodov na list papirja ali v računalniške tabele. Takšni načini niso avtomatizirani in prinašajo več slabosti kot prednosti. Na trgu obstajajo računalniško avtomatizirani sistemi za beleženje časa, a ker so ti lahko zelo dragi, se zanje manjša podjetja in ustanove odločajo le redko. S pomočjo nizkocenovnih elektronskih komponent, kot so razvojna ploščica Arduino, internetni modul, RFID bralnik ter spletni strežnik, je moč sestaviti preprostejšo in cenovno ugodno rešitev avtomatiziranega beleženja delovnega časa za manjša podjetja in ustanove. V diplomskem delu želim predstaviti nizkocenovno rešitev avtomatiziranega beleženja delovnega časa s pomočjo omenjenih elementov v prejšnjem odstavku. Cilj takšnega sistema je nadomestitev ročnega beleženja delovnega časa in njegovega obdelovanja s tehnologijami, ki za enako delo terjajo mnogo manj časa in s tem tudi podjetju ali ustanovi prihranijo nepotrebne stroške in delovno silo.

Keywords:delovni čas, RFID, Arduino, PHP, spletna aplikacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99932 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.02.2018
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Today's time stands for the fastest flow of different information. The desire for ever-increasing automation is always growing. Different methods are used to record the working hours of employees. In spite of the advanced technologies of modern times, we find in some places the recording of working time by entering arrivals and departures on a sheet of paper or in computer tables. Such modes are not automated and they bring more disadvantages than advantages. There are computerized automated systems for recording time on the market, but they can be very expensive and that is why they are not decided by smaller companies and schools. With the help of low-cost electronic components such as the Arduino development module, the Arduino internet module, the RFID module MFRC522 and the web server, it is possible to build a less complex and affordable solution for automated recording of working hours for smaller businesses and schools. In the diploma thesis, I present a low-cost solution for automatic recording of working time with the help of the mentioned elements in the previous paragraph. The aim of such a system is to replace manual input of hours and manual processing of these data with technologies that require much less time for the same work, and thus also deprives unnecessary workforce finances.

Keywords:working time, RFID, Arduino, PHP, web application

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