
Varna komunikacija med prenosnimi napravami z operacijskim sistemom Android
ID ZALAŠČEK, NINO (Author), ID Rupnik, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: ABDB5595AA899F55B64E64722410A3B4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9d56651e-98c4-485c-9f68-ad732eee586d

V sklopu diplomskega dela smo razvili prototip aplikacijo za varno komunikacijo med prenosnimi napravami z operacijskim sistemom Android. Aplikacija omogoča varno pošiljanje in sprejemanje tekstovnih in večpredstavnostnih vsebin, kot so video, slika, zvočni posnetek. Za prenos se uporabljajo XML paketi. Tekstovne vsebine se prenašajo v paketu, za ostale vsebine pa paket vsebuje le identifikacijske številke, s katerimi aplikacija dostopa do dejanskih vsebin, ki so shranjene na zunanji podatkovni bazi in jih prikaže kot del sporočila. Aplikacija nudi poleg pošiljanja tudi varno shranjevanje vsebin, ki so shranjene v šifrirani obliki. Komunikacija med napravami je posredna. Prenos sporočil poteka od naprave, kjer je bilo sporočilo ustvarjeno, do strežniškega sistema, ki sporočilo naprej pošlje do ustreznih naprav, ki so v sporočilu navedene kot prejemniki. V primeru nedosegljivih naprav, sistem sporočilo zadrži in jo dostavi, ko so naprave dosegljive. Za prenos sporočil je uporabljena XMPP tehnologija, za dostop in shranjevanje podatkov v bazi pa so zadolžene HTTP zahteve. Za varnost skrbita simetrična kriptografija AES in asimetrična kriptografija RSA, za integriteto in avtentičnost sporočila pa skrbi HMAC. Za implementacijo vseh potrebnih tehnologij je uporabljen programski jezik Java.

Keywords:Android, Java, RSA, AES, HMAC, XMPP, varna komunikacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99793 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Safe communication between Android mobile devices
Within thesis we developed an application prototype of the safe communication across portable devices with Android operation system. Application offers safe sending and receiving of text messages along with the other multimedia content like images, videos and sound recordings. XML packets are used for transferring data. Text content is stored and transferred inside the packet, for other multimedia content the packet contains the identification number, which is used by the application to access the actual content, which is stored on external database and present it as part of the message. Apart from sending and receiving, application also offers safe storing for all content, which is stored in encrypted form. Communication between devices is indirect. Message is transferred from the device, where the message was created, to the server system which sends the message to the devices, which are listed in the message as receivers. In case of offline devices, system holds the message and delivers the message when devices are online. XMPP technology is used for transferring messages and HTTP requests are used for accessing and storing data in the external database. For protection are used symmetric encryption AES and asymmetric encryption RSA. For the integrity and authentication is used HMAC. Java language is used for the implementation of all necessary technologies.

Keywords:Android, Java, RSA, AES, HMAC, XMPP, safe communication

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