When printng with the Fused deposition modeling method, we often encounter errors in the printed product because it is being cooled too fast while the printing is still happening. In order to minimise this error, we have made a chamber around the 3D printer, inside which the temperature can be accurately regulated. On the outside of the chamber we have mounted a camera, which enables us to remotely observe the printing process. Inside the chamber we have placed the heating element and fan. For the control unit we used the Raspberry Pi 3 system.
The result of our work is a system for temperature regation of the chamber, that works on the PID principle of control and during the heating of the chamber, the error from the set temperature less than 0.5 °C after calibratng the parameters. We have proved that it is possible to use Raspberry Pi 3 to achieve relatively high precision regulaton system for the chamber temperature, together with a camera that provides us with a visual information about what is happening in the chamber, and a way to have control over the system remotely.