
Vpliv unilateralnega treninga na eksplozivno moč mladih : magistrsko delo
ID Martinc, David (Author), ID Pori, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 0C974A76842C3A4483A4B27D2E233008
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0b08733d-37e7-4c85-bef0-2d7febcd91f4

Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti vplive šest tedenskega unilateralnega treninga za moč na eksplozivno moč ter agilnost pri mladih rokometaših. V raziskavo smo vključili 26 mladih rokometašev (starost 15 ± 0,98 let; telesna masa 72 ± 10,2 kg; telesna maščoba 17,8 ± 2,91%). Eksperimentalni del naloge smo razdelili na dve obdobji in sicer na obdobje rokometnega treninga brez (kontrolno obdobje) in z intervencijo dopolnile vadbe za moč (eksperimentalno obdobje). V prvem delu smo z izbranimi testi opravili meritev začetnega stanja. Nato so igralci nadaljevali s šesttedenskim rednim rokometnim treningom brez intervencije. Sledila je druga meritev, ki je predstavljala hkrati končno meritev kontrolnega obdobja, kot tudi začetno meritev eksperimentalnega obdobja. Po drugih meritvah smo igralce naključno razdelili v dve eksperimentalni skupini (unilateralno in bilateralno). Od tukaj dalje smo v proces rednega rokometnega treninga vključili tudi šest tedensko intervencijo dopolnilnega treninga za moč, kjer je unilateralna skupina izvajala vaje za moč v unilateralnih, bilateralna skupina pa iste vaje v bilateralnih pogojih. Eksperiment smo zaključili s tretjo meritvijo, ki je predstavljala zaključno meritev eksperimentalnega obdobja. S pomočjo rezultatov smo ugotovili, da je razlika med 2. in 3. meritvijo statistično pomembno večja od razlike med 1. in 2. meritvijo. To pomeni, da je imel 6 tedenski hkratni rokometni trening in trening za moč proti samo rokometnemu večji vpliv na spremenljivke. Nadaljnja analiza je za unilateralno skupino pokazala trend izboljšanja povprečnega individualnega napredka v vseh odvisnih spremenljivkah v primerjavi z bilateralno. Do statistično značilnih razlik v interakciji je prišlo pri testu Troskok z mesta in pri testu Strel s tal z nedominantno roko. Unilateralni način izvajanja vaj za moč se izkaže za primernega pri razvoju eksplozivne moči in agilnosti pri mladih rokometaših.

Keywords:unilateralnost, trening moči, mladi, eksplozivna moč, agilnost, rokomet
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99780 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5280177 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of unilateral strength training on power of youth athletes
The purpose of master’s thesis was to discover the effect of unilateral strength training protocol on power and agility of youth Team handball players. Twenty-six young Team handball players participated in the study (15 ± 0.98 of age; 72 ± 10.2 kg body mass; 17.8 ± 2.91% body fat). The experimental part was divided into control and experimental period. In the first period (6 weeks) all subject were participating in the regular Handball training routine. In the second period (6 weeks) the experimental protocol was applied. Besides regular Handball training routine we implemented an additional strength training intervention. Before the beginning of the control period, we measured initial conditions using selected tests and we had repeated them after six weeks. At that point we had randomly divided the subjects into two experimental groups (unilateral and bilateral group). The unilateral group performed additional strength training with unilateral strength protocol and bilateral group with bilateral strength training protocol. The experimental part was concluded with a third measurement, after six week period of additional strength training. The results showed that the difference between the second and third measurements was statistically of greater importance than the difference between the first and second measurements. That means that the six-week handball training accompanied by strength training had a greater effect on variables when compared to handball training alone. Further analysis evidenced a trend of improvement in individual progress for all unilateral group dependent variables when compared to the bilateral group. Statistically significant differences were shown in “Standing triple jump” and “Set shot with a non-dominant arm” results. In could be concluded that the unilateral strength training intervention could be appropriate for developing power and agility of youth Team handball players.

Keywords:Team handball, Youth athletes, Unilateral strength training, Power, Agility

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