
Prenova vzgojnovarstvene ustanove z vidika kakovosti notranjega okolja in rabe energije : diplomska naloga
ID Božič, Miha (Author), ID Dovjak, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BB10E77950BC01953C3F949C6DD44B62
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/febeaa5a-5ee1-4807-8a9b-009f1746e88c

Število otrok, vključenih v sistem predšolske vzgoje z leta v leto narašča. Z namenom varovanja otrok kot ranljive skupine je potrebno, da je okolje v vzgojnovarstvenih ustanovah zdravo, udobno, dejavniki tveganja za zdravje pa so preprečeni. Takšno okolje je stimulirajoče tako za otroke kot zaposlene. Pri načrtovanju energetsko učinkovitih objektov se pogosto pozabi na uporabnike in kakovost notranjega okolja. Namen diplomske naloge bo izdelati predlog prenove izbranega objekta za potrebe vzgojnovarstvene ustanove z vidika kakovosti notranjega okolja in rabe energije. Metodologija bo vključevala analizo začetnega stanja z meritvami izbranih parametrov kakovosti notranjega okolja in anketiranjem uporabnikov objekta. Na področju rabe energije in gradbene fizike bomo izvedli izračune s programsko opremo URSA in U-wert. Izmerjene vrednosti bomo primerjali z izračunanimi in zakonsko določenimi. Povezali bomo rezultate meritev, izračunov in mnenja uporabnikov. Na podlagi zaključkov bomo pripravili predloge ukrepov. Rezultati meritev, anket in izračunov so pokazali, da je objekt potrebno celovito sanirati. Meritve so pokazale, da je od zakonskih zahtev in/ali priporočil pogosto odstopala površinska temperatura na notranji strani konstrukcijskih sklopov, kar je vplivalo na občuteno temperaturo; pojavila se je slaba kakovost zraka in nezadostna raven osvetljenosti. Do podobnih zaključkov smo prišli tudi z rezultati anket. Uporabniki so nas opozorili na slabšo kakovost zraka, prepih, zaznali so tudi neustrezno toplotno okolje v igralnicah. Ankete so pokazale, da nezadostne ravni osvetljenosti uporabniki sicer niso zaznali (kljub prenizko izmerjenim vrednostim), vendar so se pogosto posluževali ukrepa po umetni razsvetljavi. Rezultati izračunov so primerljivi z ugotovitvami meritev in anket ter kažejo na previsok U-faktor, pojav kondenzacije, prenizke površinske temperature ter prekomerno rabo energije. Za izbrani objekt so predlagani celoviti ukrepi za dosego kakovostnega notranjega okolja ob minimalni možni rabi energije, ki naj se jih izvede ob sodelovanju stroke ter ob podpori mnenj uporabnikov objekta.

Keywords:vzgojnovarstvene ustanove, prenova, kakovost notranjega okolja, raba energije, toplotno udobje, kakovost zraka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Božič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99776 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3659741 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Renovation of a childcare institution from the perspective of indoor environmental quality and energy use : graduation thesis
The number of children enrolled in the pre-school education system is growing every year. In order to protect children as vulnerable groups, it is necessary that the environment in educational institutions is healthy, comfortable, and the health risk factors are fully prevented. Such an environment is stimulating for both children and employees. When designing energy efficient facilities, it is often forgotten about users and the quality of the internal environment. The purpose of the thesis will be to prepare a proposal for the renovation of the selected facility for the needs of the educational institution in terms of the indoor environmental quality and energy use. The methodology will include a baseline analysis with measurements of selected parameters of the indoor environment quality and survey of users of the facility. In the field of energy use and building physics we will perform calculations with the URSA and U-wert software. The measured values will be compared with the calculated and statutory ones. We will link the results of the measurements, calculations and user reviews. Based on the conclusions, we will prepare proposals for measures. The results of measurements, surveys and calculations have shown that the building needs to be completely renovated. Measurements showed that the surface temperature on the inner side of the constructional complexes often deviated from the legal requirements and / or recommendations, which affected the operative temperatures; poor air quality and insufficient level of illumination. Similar results were obtained with the results of the surveys. Users warned us about poorer indoor air quality, drafts, and an inadequate thermal environment in playrooms. Surveys showed that users did not detect inappropriate levels of illumination (despite the insufficient measured levels of illumination), but they often used an artificial lighting. The results of the calculations are comparable with the findings of measurements and surveys and indicate a high U-factor, a phenomenon of condensation and a low surface temperature, and excessive energy use. For the selected building, comprehensive measures are proposed to achieve a quality of internal environment with the minimum possible use of energy, which should be carried out with the cooperation of the professions, supported by the opinions of the users of the facility.

Keywords:children day care center, thermal comfort, indoor air quality, health, energy use

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