
Upravno procesno varstvo v primerih varstva otroka
ID Brecelj, Lara (Author), ID Kerševan, Erik (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b6bdf3e9-3b25-4180-aeac-da3796c21974

Otrok je posebej ranljiv subjekt naše družbe, zaradi česar je potrebno njegovo dobrobit ustrezno zavarovati. Za dosego tega cilja je nujno, da so njegove pravice zapisane ter ustrezno in učinkovito varovane. Otrok je v slovenski pravni ureditvi neposredno varovan na podlagi mednarodnih pogodb, v notranji pravni ureditvi pa so njegove pravice določene tako v Ustavi Republike Slovenije kot v različnih zakonih. Varstvo teh pravic je zakonodajalec uredil in zagotovil v pravdnem in nepravdnem postopku ter v upravnem postopku. Upravni postopek, kot eden izmed postopkov, v katerem se varujejo otrokove pravice ter se zasleduje otrokova največja korist, nudi zadostno jamstvo in varstvo le–teh. Hitrost in učinkovitost sta temeljni značilnosti upravnega postopka, obe značilnosti pa sta bistvenega pomena za zavarovanje otroka in njegovih pravic. Upravni postopek je zaradi tega, kljub okrnjenosti nekaterih temeljnih načel, velikokrat celo primernejši od sodnega postopka. Slednjega v upravnem postopku zaradi otrokove procesne nesposobnosti zastopa na podlagi zakonskih določb zastopa ali postavljen zakoniti zastopnik ali skrbnik v določenih primerih pa tudi začasni zastopnik, ki namesto otroka opravlja vsa procesna dejanja in kot varuh otroka skrbi za to, da se resnično zasleduje otrokova največja korist. S tem je zagotovljeno primerno varstvo otroka kot stranke in posledično subjekta postopka. Zaradi specifičnosti in občutljivosti situacije, ko je otrok subjekta postopka, bi bilo primerno za zasledovanje in uresničevanje otrokove največje koristi, to področje zakonsko preurediti, ter otroku nuditi varstvo v posebnem specializiranem postopku, na posebnem sodišču pod vodstvom oseb, ki so za ta postopek primerno usposobljene in izobražene.

Keywords:varstvo otrokovih pravic, upravni postopek, največja otrokova korist, zastopnik otroka, mnenje otroka, procesna sposobnost, posebni postopek, varuh otrokovih pravic
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99770 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16042833 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Administrative process protection in cases of child protection
A child is a particularly vulnerable being in our society, therefore his well-being needs to be properly protected. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential that his rights are established by law as well as appropriately and effectively protected in a procedure. A child, in the Slovenian legal system, is directly protected by the provisions of international treaties, while the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia as well as other various act provide their protection in the internal legal system. Children’s rights are protected in a contentious civil procedure, non-contentious procedure and administrative procedure. The administrative procedure, as one of the procedures where children’s rights are protected and the best interest of children’s right is pursued, provides sufficient protection of them. Speed and efficiency are the main characteristics of the administrative procedure and they are essential for protection of children and their rights. The administrative procedure is therefore often more appropriate than the civil procedure, despite the truncation of certain fundamental principle. Because of his procedural incapacity, the child as a party of the administrative procedure is represented by a legal representative or guardian or in certain cases by a temporary representative. Their role in the procedure is to perform all procedural acts on behalf of the child and to ensure that his best interest is truly pursued. This ensures necessary protection for the child as the party and subject of the procedure. Since the situation, where a child is the subject of the procedure, is specific and especially sensitive, this field is in dire need of a reform. For pursuing their greatest interest children should be protected in a special procedure, led by a special court, by judges who are educated and qualified specifically in this area.

Keywords:protection of children's rights, administrative procedure, child’s greatest interest, child’s legal representative, child’s opinion, procedural capacity, special procedure, guardian of children’s rights

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