
Domači alarmni sistem
ID KNEZ, TIM (Author), ID Šter, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: E0D565C2747913DF86442DCC5ACAB448
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0c21a761-c2d1-4936-9e0e-93602dfedcb6

V okviru diplomske naloge sem izdelal domači alarmni sistem. Alarmni sistem je skupek komponent, ki skrbijo za nadzor varovanega objekta in pristojne obveščajo o morebitnih nenavadnih dogodkih. Sestavljen je iz nadzorne enote, kopice senzorjev in oddaljenega strežnika. Nadzorna enota s pomočjo senzorjev, ki konstantno pridobivajo podatke iz okolja, spremlja dogajanje v prostoru. V primeru odstopanja podatkov od optimalnih vrednosti to sporoči tudi pristojnim osebam. Na oddaljenem strežniku teče spletna aplikacija, preko katere je možno spreminjati nastavitve sistema. Diplomska naloga opisuje zgradbo celotnega sistema, torej nadzorno enoto sistema, infrardeči senzor gibanja, magnetni senzor, senzor plinov, oddaljeni strežnik in GSM modul. Nato sledi inicializacija senzorjev, njihovi prekinitveni programi ter serijska komunikacija med mikrokrmilnikoma. Na koncu pa si pogledamo še operacijski sistem Raspbian in spletno aplikacijo, preko katere je moč nadzorovati stanje sistema in spreminjati njegove nastavitve. Končni izdelek je povsem delujoč, dovolj učinkovit in cenovno ugoden alarmni sistem za nadzor doma.

Keywords:STM32F4, Raspberry PI 3, senzorji, domači alarmni sistem, spletni strežnik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Home alarm system
The aim of my thesis was to build a home alarm system. An alarm system is a set of components that controls a specific protected object and informs competent authorities about unusual events. It consists of a control unit, a stack of sensors and a remote server. The control unit uses the sensors that constantly receive data from the environment, to monitor the assigned space. Should the data deviate from optimal values, a signal is sent to authorities. The remote server runs a web application, where the settings of the system can be monitored. The thesis describes the structure of the whole system – from the control unit of the system to infrared motion sensor, magnetic sensor, gas sensor, remote server and GSM module. After this it deals with the initialisation of the sensors, their interrupt routines and serial communication with microcontrollers. Finally, it discusses the Raspbian operating system and a web application, where the state of the system can be monitored and its settings adjusted. The final product is a fully functioning, efficient and affordable alarm system for home control.

Keywords:STM32F4, Raspberry PI 3, sensors, home alarm system, web server

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