
Poučevanje o medkulturnosti v okviru predmeta družba : magistrsko delo
ID Sever, Nina (Author), ID Umek, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hergan, Irena (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4985/ This link opens in a new window

Stiki z drugimi kulturami v domačem okolju so postali nekaj vsakdanjega, saj prihaja do velikega mešanja kultur po celem svetu. Slika današnje družbe se zrcali tudi v šolo. Zlasti v večjih mestih v Sloveniji so v razredih tudi učenci, ki prihajajo iz kulturno različnih svetov. Da bi se učenci lažje vključili v novo okolje ter da bi se spoznali z njihovo kulturo tudi drugi učenci, izvajajo učitelji različne dejavnosti tako v okviru rednega pouka kot v okviru izbirnih dejavnosti. Eden od učnih predmetov, ki zajema to tematiko, je zagotovo družba, kar je razvidno tudi iz učnega načrta. V praksi je moč opaziti, da učiteljem primanjkuje časa in idej, zato pričakujem, da bo magistrsko delo koristen pripomoček z naborom dejavnosti za poučevanje o tematikah medkulturnosti. V okviru magistrskega dela sem raziskala, kakšna je zastopanost tem o medkulturnosti v priročnikih za učitelje za predmet družba. Zanimalo me je, kakšna so stališča učencev do medkulturnih razlik in če se bo pokazal vpliv na stališča učencev pred in po izvedbi dejavnosti na temo medkulturnosti. Namen magistrskega dela je bil tudi predlagati dejavnosti, s katerimi lahko učencem na zanimiv način približamo teme o medkulturnosti in vplivamo na njihova stališča o medkulturnosti. Raziskava magistrskega dela je bila razdeljena na dva dela in je temeljila na deskriptivni in kavzalni eksperimentalni metodi. Prvi del je zajemal analizo zastopanosti tem o medkulturnosti v priročnikih za učitelje pri predmetu družba v 4. in 5. razredu. Zajemal je analizo tistih vsebin iz priročnikov, ki so se nanašale na temo medkulturnosti. Seznam potrjenih učbenikov s strani ministrstva za družbo v 4. in 5. razredu mi je služil kot kriterij za izbor založb, katerih priročniki so prišli v poštev za nadaljnjo analizo. Ugotovila sem, da slovenske založbe (Modrijan, Rokus Klett ter Mladinska knjiga) ponujajo kar lepo število dejavnosti o medkulturnosti v priročnikih ali v sklopu urnih priprav, le založba DZS ponuja manj dejavnosti in ne zajema vseh tematik, ki naj bi jih učitelj obdelal po programu učnega načrta. Pri posamezni založbi se število dejavnosti zmanjša, ko nanje pogledam z vidika zanimivosti. Drugi del je obsegal eksperimentalno raziskavo o vplivu na stališča učencev pred in po izvedenih dejavnostih na temo medkulturnosti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 31 učencev dveh 5. razredov iz osnovne šole na Dolenjskem. Podatke sem zbrala z izvedbo osmih dejavnosti, s pomočjo vprašalnika za učence eksperimentalnega in kontrolnega oddelka pred in po izvedenih dejavnostih, z analizo po vsaki izvedeni dejavnosti, z vprašalnikom za učiteljico eksperimentalnega oddelka ter z ocenjevalno lestvico za učence eksperimentalnega razreda. Rezultati drugega dela raziskave so pokazali, da je prišlo do razlik o sprejemanju medkulturnosti v eksperimentalnem oddelku po izvedenih dejavnostih v primerjavi s kontrolnim oddelkom ter da se je pokazal vpliv na stališča učencev pred in po izvedenih dejavnostih o medkulturnosti v eksperimentalnem oddelku. Izvedene dejavnosti so bile učencem všeč, najbolj tiste, ki so vsebovale socialne igre. Učiteljica eksperimentalnega oddelka je dejavnosti z vidika opazovanja učencev in tudi iz lastnega vidika ocenila kot zanimive in uporabne za pouk.

Keywords:predmet družba, medkulturnost, razredni pouk, predlogi dejavnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Sever]
Number of pages:131 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99610 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11918409 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching about interculturalism in the social studies classroom
Contacts with other cultures in the home environment have become something very common, as there is a great mix of cultures worldwide. The picture of today's society is also reflected in schools. Especially in larger cities in Slovenia, students come from culturally diverse worlds. To help them integrate into their new environment and to learn about their culture with other students, teachers perform various activities both within regular classes as well as within optional activities. One of the school subjects that covers this topic is Social studies, this is also evident from the curriculum. In practice, it can be noticed that teachers are lacking in time and ideas, therefore, I expect that this thesis will prove to be a useful tool with a range of activities to learn about the topic of interculturalism. Within the master's thesis I explored the representation of interculturalism in teaching manuals for the subject of Social studies. I was interested in what the students' attitudes towards intercultural differences are and whether there will be an impact on their attitudes before and after the implementation of activities on the topic of interculturalism. The purpose of the master's thesis was also to provide suggestions for activities to approach the topic of interculturalism in an interesting way and influence the students’ views on interculturalism. The research of the master's thesis was divided into two parts and was based on a descriptive and causal experimental method. The first part included an analysis of the representation of themes of interculturalism in teaching manuals for Social studies in grades 4 and 5. It included an analysis of those contents from the manuals relating to the topic of interculturalism. The list of certified textbooks for the 4th and 5th grade has served me as a criterion for the selection of publishers whose manuals came into consideration for further analysis. I have found that the Slovene publishing houses (Modrijan, Rokus Klett and Mladinska knjiga) offer a good number of intercultural activities in manuals or within the framework of hourly preparations. The exception is the publishing house DZS, which offers far less activities and does not cover all the topics that the teacher should teach according to the curriculum. With each publisher, the number of interesting activities decreases. The second part included an experimental study of the impact on students’ attitudes before and after the activities carried out on the subject of interculturalism. The study involved 31 pupils from two 5th grades from primary school in the Dolenjska region. I collected the data by performing eight activities, using a questionnaire for the students of the experimental and control group before and after the carried out activities, analyzing each activity, using a questionnaire for the teacher of the experimental group, and by using the assessment scale for students of the experimental group. The results of the second part of the study showed that there were differences in the acceptance of interculturalism in the experimental group compared to the control group and the impact on students' attitudes before and after the carried out activities in the experimental group was proved. The students liked the activities that were carried out, especially those that contained social games. The teacher of the experimental group assessed the activities from her own point of view as well as by observing the students and concluded that they were interesting and useful for teaching.

Keywords:society, intercultural education, primary school, družba, medkulturna vzgoja, osnovna šola

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