
Učinkovitost pulznega sistema za prezračevanje
ID Murnc, Miha (Author), ID Butala, Vincenc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prek, Matjaž (Comentor)

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V velikih samopostrežnih trgovinah je problem vzdrževati željene parametre notranjega ugodja. Obravnavan trgovinski center v Ljubljani je velik in ima posebej obremenjene cone z velikimi hladilnimi ali toplotnimi obremenitvami. Te obremenitve še dodatno onemogočajo ustvarjanje željenega ugodja. Povzročajo temperaturno nehomogenost in stratifikacijo, ter višje hitrosti zraka v bivalni coni oziroma prepih. Obravnavan inovativen sistem pulznega prezračevanja omogoča vzpostavitev boljših razmer v prostoru, pri zmanjšani rabi energije. Elementi za difuzijo zraka so enostavni pločevinasti perforirani kanali, ki s svojo patentirano tehnologijo ustvarijo visoko stopnjo indukcije prostorskega zraka, s tem pa učinkovito mešanje celotnega zraka v prostoru, brez večjih lokalnih hitrosti zraka, kot smo jih navajeni pri običajnih difuzorjih. Zaradi indukcije prostorskega zraka lahko zmanjšamo tudi količino svežega vtočnega zraka, to pa prinese velike prihranke energije na dovodnem ventilatorju. Kanali za odtok zraka v prostoru niso potrebni, zato se zmanjšajo stroški namestitve, ter zmanjša raba energije na odvodnem ventilatorju, zaradi zmanjšanja tlačnega padca. Sistem pulznega prezračevanja prinese višje investicijske stroške, vendar velike prihranke energije, ki upravičijo vračilno dobo investicije.

Keywords:prezračevanje, mešalno, izpodrivno, pulzno, stratifikacija, prepih, hitrost, temperatura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99580 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The efficiency of the pulse ventilation
In large self-service shops, the problem is to maintain the desired parameters of interior comfort. The discussed trade center in Ljubljana is large and has particularly heavy zones with high cooling or heat loads. These loads make it even more difficult to create the desired comfort. They cause temperature non-homogeneity and stratification, and higher air speeds in the living zone and drafts. The innovative system of pulsed ventilation allows to achieve better room conditions, with reduced energy consumption. The elements for air diffusion are simple perforated sheet metal tubes with patented technology, which create a high rate of induction of the ambient air, and establish effectively mixing the whole air in the room, without high local air velocities, as using regular diffusers. Due to the induction of ambient air, the amount of fresh air can also be reduced, which leads to high energy savings on the feed fan. There is no need for exhaust air ducts in the room, which reduces installation costs and reduces the use of energy in the exhaust fan due to a decrease in the pressure drop. The pulse ventilation system brings higher investment costs, but great energy savings that justify the return period on investment.

Keywords:ventilationmixing, displacement, pulse, stratification, draught, velocity, temperature

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