
Razvoj metode za določanje UV prepustnosti prej
ID Urbanc, Daša (Author), ID Dimitrovski, Krste (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A24A2DB7E7A530B1A02DE7BA5D6159E4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2e850e1e-d61b-4de5-a815-f6615ebbd7c3

Zaščita pred UV žarki je vse bolj pomemben dejavnik v vsakdanjem življenju. Za zaščito lahko poskrbimo na več načinov, najbolj preprost pa je zaščita z oblačili. Zato je tudi pomembno, da lahko napovemo UV zaščitne lastnosti tekstilije, iz katere nameravamo izdelati oblačilo, še preden to storimo. Namen raziskave je bil razviti metodo, s katero bomo lahko izmerili UV prepustnosti različnih prej, in na podlagi podatkov zastaviti teoretični matematični model, ki bi omogočil napovedovanje UV zaščitnih lastnosti ploskovnih tekstilij. Naš cilj je bil tako, da bi razvili preprosto in dokaj zanesljivo metodo za samo merjenje UV lastnosti (prepustnost, absorpcija in odboj) različnih vrst prej, nato pa bi te znane UV lastnosti prej upoštevali pri razvoju modela za vnaprejšnje teoretično napovedovanje prepustnosti UV žarkov ploskovnih tekstilij. Kar bi pomenilo, da bi lahko že samo iz preje lahko določili, kakšno stopnje zaščite bi nam nudilo končno oblačilo. V ta namen smo izbrali prejo s točno določenimi lastnosti, in sicer rotorsko poliestrno prejo finosti 34 tex z različnim številom zavojev, in jo v želenih gostotah stkali v vzorce, kjer smo imeli v smeri osnove flotirajoče niti velikosti 2 × 2 cm, ki smo jih nato odstranili, v smeri votka pa je ostala preja, na kateri smo nato izmerili prepustnost in odboj UV žarkov v eni plasti in v dveh plasteh na spektrofotometru (s tem smo simulirali tkanino). Prepustnost in odboj UV žarkov smo merili v skladu z navodili standarda SIST EN 13758 – 1: 2002, v koraku 2 nm in območju valovnih dolžin od 200 nm do 700 nm, za vrednotenje podatkov pa smo uporabili območje od 290 nm do 400 nm. Iz meritev smo naprej računali faktor kritja, na koncu pa še preračunali in primerjali merjene in izračunane vrednosti prepustnosti UV žarkov na vzorcih.

Keywords:preja, faktor kritja, UV žarki, odboj, prepustnost, absorpcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99564 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Development of method for determining transmission of UV rays through yarns
Protection against UV rays is an increasingly important factor in everyday life. We can protect ourselves with many different ways, but the simplest one is by clothing. That is why it is also important that we can predict the UV protection properties of textiles from which we intend to make clothes even before we make this garment. The aim of this research was to develop a method by which we could measure the UV permeability of the various yarns and on the basis of the data set a theoretical mathematical model that will enable predicting the UV protection properties of textiles. Our goal was that we could develop a simple and fairly reliable method for measuring UV properties (transmission, absorption and reflection) of various types yarns, then these known UV properties would be taken into account in developing the model for advance theoretical predicting of permeability of UV rays of textiles. Which could mean that we could determine what kind of protection would be provided by the final garment only by knowing the properties of used yarn. We took a rotary polyester yarn with density of 34 tex and different number of turns and used it to make samples in the desired densities, where we had a 2 × 2 cm floating threads in the direction of the warp, which were then removed and what was left in the direction of the weft was yarn on which we then measured the permeability and UV reflection on one layer and then on two layers on the spectrophotometer (which simulated a fabric). The transmission and reflection of UV rays was measured in accordance with standard SIST EN 13758 – 1: 2002, in 2-nm step and in the range from 200 to 700 nm, but for the evaluation of data itself, we used the range from 290 nm to 400 nm. From the measurements we first calculated the cover factor, from which we then calculated and compared the measured and the calculated values of UV transmission on the samples.

Keywords:yarn, cover factor, UV rays, reflection, transmission, absorption

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