
Uporaba spektroskopa pri poučevanju svetlobe in barv v četrtem razredu osnovne šole
ID Jazbinšek, Barbara (Author), ID Susman, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4976/ This link opens in a new window

Svetloba je za naš obstoj in bivanje na tem planetu zelo pomembna. Omogoča nam, da vidimo okoli sebe svet pisanih barv. Brez svetlobe si življenja ne bi mogli predstavljati. S svetlobo in barvami se srečujemo vsak dan, a lahko kljub temu prihaja pri razumevanju teh naravoslovnih konceptov do nejasnosti, zato je treba obravnavi pri pouku nameniti posebno pozornost. Učni načrt za naravoslovje in tehniko predlaga uporabo učnih pripomočkov, s pomočjo katerih učenci spoznavajo pojave in ki pripomorejo pri iskanju in oblikovanju odgovorov na naša številna vprašanja. Prav zato mora biti pouk zasnovan tako, da aktivira učence na vseh področjih njihovega delovanja. Učiteljeva naloga je, da s premišljeno izbiro učnih metod in oblik dela vpliva na motivacijo in aktivnosti učencev, ki vodijo v boljše razumevanje naravoslovnih vsebin. Tema o svetlobi in barvah ponuja možnost uporabe doma narejenega učnega pripomočka, s katerim učenci samostojno raziskujejo in odkrivajo spekter svetlobe in mešanje barv svetlobe. S samostojno uporabo spektroskopa učenci pridobijo izkušnje, ki jih v vsakdanjem življenju še niso. Pridobljene izkušnje prispevajo k razumevanju tematike svetlobe in barv. V magistrskem delu smo spektroskop uporabili kot učni pripomoček za raziskovanje lastnosti svetlobe in barv. Ker v našem prostoru ni bilo opravljenih nobenih raziskav o dosežkih učencev po izvedbi aktivnosti z uporabo spektroskopa za odkrivanje, raziskovanje ter analiziranje svetlobe in mešanja barv svetlobe in ker učencem tema o svetlobi ni tuja, smo se odločili, da to raziščemo v četrtem razredu osnovne šole. V okviru magistrskega dela želimo raziskati, ali uporaba spektroskopa kot učnega pripomočka v 4. razredu prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju lastnosti svetlobe in mešanja barvne svetlobe. Ugotoviti želimo, ali je vsebina primerna za obravnavo v okviru obogatitvenih dejavnosti. Prav tako želimo raziskati, ali tisti učenci, ki so bili poučevani z aktivnimi metodami in oblikami, dosegajo boljše rezultate na pisnem preverjanju znanja od tistih, ki so cilje ure usvojili na tradicionalni način. V raziskavi je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda raziskovanja. Prepletala sta se kvalitativni in kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. Vzorec je bil neslučajnostni, izbran namensko. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 15 učencev enega 4. razreda in 14 učencev drugega 4. razreda prve izbrane osnovne šole ter 15 učencev enega 4. razreda druge izbrane osnovne šole. Cilji učnih ur so bili v vseh treh razredih enaki, način poučevanja pa različen. V dveh razredih smo temo obravnavali z aktivnimi metodami in oblikami dela, v tretjem pa na tradicionalni način. Dva razreda, kjer so bile uporabljene aktivne metode in oblike dela, sta se med seboj razlikovala po zaporedju izvajanja aktivnosti. Pred izvedbo ur smo z učiteljicami izvedli tudi polstrukturirani intervju. Podatke smo zbirali s testom znanja pred in po obravnavi snovi za učence. Med izvedbo učnih ur so učiteljice izvajale tehniko opazovanja z udeležbo, kjer so svoja opažanja zapisovale v vnaprej pripravljene opazovalne liste. Po koncu ur so izpolnile tudi nestandardiziran anketni vprašalnik. Izsledki raziskave kažejo pozitiven vpliv uporabe spektroskopa in aktivnih učnih oblik ter metod dela pri pouku. Vsi učenci so dosegli učne cilje, vendar so učenci, poučevani z aktivnim pristopom, na potestu znanja dosegli boljše rezultate od učencev, poučevanih na tradicionalni način. Spektroskop je primeren in zadovoljiv učni pripomoček za učence 4. razreda, saj pripomore k lažjemu razumevanju naravoslovnih pojavov v povezavi s svetlobo in mešanjem barv svetlobe. Zaporedje obravnave snovi nima vpliva na razumevanje teme o svetlobi in mešanju barv s pomočjo spektroskopa pri pouku z aktivnim pristopom, izvedene vsebine in dejavnosti pa so primerne za izvedbo v obliki obogatitvene dejavnosti pri pouku. Izsledkov raziskave zaradi premajhnega števila udeležencev in kratkotrajnosti pedagoškega raziskovanja ne moremo posplošiti.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99556 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11910217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Spectroscope in teaching light and colours in the fourth grade of primary school
Light plays a vital role in our existence and survival on planet Earth. It enables us to see the world around us in a multitude of colours. We cannot imagine a life without light. We come into contact with light and colours every day, but it is possible to still face a lack of clarity when we try to understand these concepts of natural science, which is why it is necessary to place an additional emphasis on its teaching in class. The syllabus for science and technology proposes the use of teaching aids to help pupils learn about phenomena and contribute towards the search and formation of answers to our many questions. This is why lessons must be designed to activate pupils in all areas. The teacher’s task is to influence the motivation and activities of the pupils by carefully selecting teaching methods and forms of work that lead to a better understanding of the scientific content. The topic of light and colours provides the opportunity to use a homemade teaching aid that pupils can use independently to research and discover the light spectrum and mixing the colours of light. By independently using a spectroscope, pupils gain experience that they have so far not been able to in everyday life. The experience obtained contributes to understanding the topic of light and colours. In the master's thesis we used a spectroscope as a teaching aid to study the properties of light and colours. Since no studies have been carried out in Slovenia about pupils’ achievements after doing activities where they used a spectroscope to discover, research and analyse light and to mix the colours of light, and as pupils are not unfamiliar with the topic of light, we decided to carry out the study in the fourth grade of primary school. As part of the master’s thesis we wanted to study whether the use of a spectroscope as a teaching aid in the fourth grade contributes to a better understanding of the properties of light and the mixing of the colours of light. We wanted to find out if the content is suitable to be used as part of supplemental activities. We also wanted to investigate whether the students that were taught using active methods and forms achieve better results on written examinations than those who acquired the lesson objectives in a traditional way. A descriptive research method was used in the study. Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used. The sample was purposive, selected deliberately. There were 15 pupils from a grade four and 14 pupils from another grade four in the first selected primary school who participated in the study and 15 pupils from a grade four in the second selected primary school. The objective of the lessons was the same in all three classes while the teaching method differed. We used active teaching methods and forms of work in two classes and a traditional method in the third. The two classes where active methods and forms of work were used differed in the order of activities implemented. Before carrying out the lessons we held semi-structured interviews with the teachers. We collected the data using an examination before and after teaching the pupils. During the lessons the teachers used an observational technique where they noted down their observations on papers that were prepared in advance. After the lessons they also filled out a non-standardised questionnaire. The study findings indicate a positive impact of the used of a spectroscope and active forms of teaching and methods in class. All the pupils achieved the learning objectives, however, the pupils taught using an active approach achieved significantly better results on the post-activity examination than the pupils taught in a traditional way. The spectroscope is a suitable and appropriate teaching aid for pupils of the fourth grade as it makes it easier for them to understand scientific phenomena in connection with light and mixing the colours of light. The order of the content taught in class does not impact the understanding of the topic of light and mixing colour with the help of a spectroscope in class using an active approach, while the content and activities carried out are suitable for being used in supplemental activities during class. Due to the small number of participants and short-term teaching research, we are unable to generalise the results of the study.


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