
Poučevanje zvoka z didaktičnimi igrami v 2. razredu osnovne šole
ID Zalaznik, Maja (Author), ID Susman, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4972/ This link opens in a new window

Igra je ena od temeljnih potreb otroka. Če jo uspešno vključimo v pouk, bo otrok ohranjal svoje zanimanje in motiviranost ter pri določeni dejavnosti vztrajal dlje. Prek igre otrok projicira svoje primanjkljaje in jih posledično lahko tudi premaguje. Ni dovolj, da se otrok v šoli samo uči, ampak je za njegov uspeh in razvoj pomembno, da se v njej tudi dobro počuti. K temu lahko veliko pripomorejo didaktične igre. Odločili smo se, da bomo v magistrskem delu preizkusili, kako didaktične igre vplivajo na učence s kognitivnega, čustvenega in socialnega vidika. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljene nekatere teorije o igri, pomen igre za otrokov razvoj, vrste prostih iger glede na spoznavni in socialni vidik ter vloga didaktične igre pri pouku. Za namen raziskave smo oblikovali in predstavili učne pripomočke in učna gradiva za obravnavo učnega sklopa zvok v 2. razredu osnovne šole. Pri pripravi in izvedbi pouka je bila poudarjena metoda poučevanja z didaktičnimi igrami. Izbrano tematiko smo obravnavali pri predmetu Spoznavanje okolja, v okviru katerega smo samostojno izvedli štiri učne ure. Raziskava in pouk sta potekala v 2. razredu s 23 učenci na Osnovni šoli Toma Brejca v Kamniku. Temeljni namen raziskovanja je bil ugotoviti, ali z uporabo didaktičnih iger pri spoznavanju okolja dosežemo učne cilje izbranega tematskega sklopa zvok, kako trajno je znanje učencev po obravnavi vsebin z didaktičnimi igrami ter kakšni so odzivi učencev na uporabo didaktičnih iger z motivacijskega, čustvenega in socialnega vidika. Rezultati so pokazali pozitivno vlogo didaktičnih iger v procesu pridobivanja znanja in razumevanja naravoslovnih pojmov, na področju izražanja čustev in pri vključevanju učencev v razredno interakcijo. Rezultati raziskave in predstavljena gradiva so lahko v pomoč učiteljem v prvi in drugi triadi pri poučevanju izbranih vsebin. S pomočjo gradiv in rezultatov magistrskega dela, ki bodo zanimivi tako za učitelje kot tudi drugo zainteresirano strokovno javnost, smo si razširili znanje o vlogi didaktičnih iger pri poučevanju naravoslovja.

Keywords:didaktične igre
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99552 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11909705 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching about sound with didactic games in 2nd grade of primary school
Play is one of the basic needs of a child. If we successfully include it into lessons, the child will keep his interest and motivation and persist longer in certain activities. Through playing, the child projects his deficiencies and consequently overcomes them. It is not enough that the child only learns at school; for his success and development, it is also important, that during the learning process he also feels well. Didactic games can greatly contribute to this. In the Master’s thesis, we decided to test, how didactic games influence pupils from the cognitive, emotional and social aspect. In the theoretical part of the Master’s thesis we presented some theories about playing, the importance of playing for the development of a child, types of simple games considering the cognitive and social aspect and the role of didactic games in classes. For the purpose of the research, we developed and presented learning aids and learning material for the discussion of the learning set Sound in the 2nd grade of primary school. In the preparation phase and during lessons, we stressed out the method of teaching with didactic games. The chosen topic was discussed during Environmental education classes, within which we independently carried out four lessons. The research and lessons took place at Tomo Brejc Primary School in the 2nd grade with 23 pupils. The main purpose of the research was to find out, whether we reach the learning goals of the chosen set Sound with the use of didactic games in Environmental education classes, how permanent the pupils’ knowledge is after learning through didactic games and how children respond to the use of didactic games from the motivational, emotional and social aspect. The results showed a positive role of didactic games in the process of gaining knowledge and understanding natural concepts, in the field of expressing emotions and regarding the inclusion of pupils into class interactions. The results of the research and the presented materials can aid teachers in the first and second triad in teaching chosen contents. With the help of the materials and the results of the Master’s thesis, which will be interesting for teachers as well as other interested expert public, we widened out knowledge about the role of didactic games in teaching natural sciences.

Keywords:didactic games

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