In our graduation thesis, we expose difference in leading pedagogic process because of the difference between preschool child, who is in main motion phase and a pupil, who is in sport motion phase.
The differences in development are so big, that there have to be other methods, which we use to lead preschool children, than the methods we use, to lead pupils. For every group, which we teach, we also have to use carefully accurate games. There are lot of games, which break curricular fundamentals (falling out games, games with competition goals etc.). In this graduation thesis we analize chosen games, which we can find in professional literature, intendent to use in teaching rollerblading.
Rollerblading is a way of movement with the help of rollerblades. Because of the similarity with movement, it has a powerful and positive transfer with ice skating, roller skating, with skating technique of cross-country skiing etc. We can rollerblade on different hard bases in all of the seasons. It is important, that the ground is dry and that the configuration of the ground is suitable for our knowledge. Because of the popularity of this form of movement and the meaning of getting the first experience already in preschool period, the teaching how to rollerblade, has also come in kindergartens. What is valid for other sport genres also is valid for rollerblading, this is, that often we are not critical enough, when we transfer methods of teaching, which are valid for sport motion phase to main motion phase. Both phases are suitable also for the beginning of learning rollerblading as for continuation. Any way we have to choose different approaches or at least methods of work at teaching.
The purpose of this graduation thesis is to offer games, which take all of the game elements into count and at the same time respect the fundamentals of the Curriculum for kindergartens, to educationalists, who work with younger children, mostly kindergarten teachers (1999).
In graduation thesis we introduce the method of the game, like one of the methods, which preserves all of the game elements and also respects fundamentals of Curriculum for kindergartens and makes it possible that children are introduced with rollerblading in a way, which takes their development characteristics in count.