
Optimizacija večstanovanjske skoraj nič-energijske stavbe z orodjem za nestacionarno toplotno analizo : magistrsko delo
ID Jaćimović, Marko (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šijanec Zavrl, Marjana (Comentor)

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MD5: 5BD56122F1CF96AAC916810349173A12
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1a210841-37aa-47b6-8a1a-0dc738b0b09d

V nalogi smo predstavili postopek optimizacije večstanovanjske skoraj nič-energijske stavbe s pomočjo programa za dinamične energijske simulacije IDA Indor Climate Energy. Želeli smo pokazati kako lahko s postopnim izločanjem različnih variant zasnove dosežemo optimiziran stavbni ovoj. Variante stavbnega ovoja stavbe se med seboj razlikujejo v toplotni prehodnosti zunanjih sten, strehe, v tipu zasteklitve in stopnji zrakotesnosti. Najprej smo opravili analizo in primerjavo rabe energije za ogrevanje in hlajenje ter rabo primarne energije. Analize predhodno naštetih ukrepov so pokazale, da ima največji vpliv zrakotesnost, sledi pa ji sprememba lastnosti zasteklitve. Cilj je bil optimizirati stavbni ovoj tudi z ekonomskega stališča, zato smo opravili tudi stroškovno analizo življenjskega cikla objekta. Slednja je pokazala, da visoke investicije v toplotni ovoj stavbe niso v vseh primerih racionalne. Zanimala nas je tudi pomembnost ustrezne razporeditve zasteklitve glede na orientiranosti fasad. Izkazalo se je, da s kombinacijo dvoslojnih oken, ki imajo višji faktor prepustnosti za sončno obsevanje, na južni fasadi ter s troslojnimi okni na preostalih fasadah, dosežemo najboljše rezultate. Dodatno smo preverili osvetlitev prostorov, ki se je v splošnem izkazala kot primerna in pa parametre toplotnega ugodja, katerim smo ravno tako v veliki meri zadostili. S preprostim programskim orodjem smo analizirali tudi sisteme za oskrbo stavbe in naselja z energijo. Naloga kaže na pomembnost analitičnega pristopa k projektiranju in uporabe orodij za dinamične energijske simulacije, hkrati pa tudi opozarja na trenutno še ne dovolj natančno zakonodajo na področju dotične tematike.

Keywords:skoraj nič-energijska večstanovanjska stavba, dinamične simulacije, LCC analiza, stavbni ovoj, IDA Indor Climate and Energy, energijska učinkovitost, potreba po ogrevanju in hlajenju, bivalno ugodje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Jaćimović]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99487 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8329313 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Optimisation of nearly zero-energy building with tool for non-stationary themal analysis : master thesis
In thesis we presented the procedure of optimisation of a nearly zero-energy multi-family house with the help of a specially designed software for dynamic simulations called IDA Indoor Climate Energy. We wanted to show how to achieve the optimized building envelope with gradual elimination of different variants of buildings' envelope. Building envelope variants differ from one another in the thermal transmittance of outer walls, roof, type of glazing and airtightness. First, we analyzed and compared the use of energy for heating and cooling and primary energy. Analyzes of these aforementioned measures showed that airtightness has the greatest impact, followed by a change in glazing. The aim was also to optimize the building envelope from an economic standpoint, which is why we performed a Life-cycle cost analysis of the building. The latter has shown that high investments in thermal envelope are not always rational. We explored the importance of the appropriate distribution of glazing according to the facade orientation. It turns out that with the combination of two-layer windows with a higher solar energy transmittance factor, positioned on the southern facade and with three-layer windows on the remaining facades, the best results are achieved. In addition, we checked the illumination of rooms, which in general proved to be good, and the parameters of thermal comfort, which were met in a sufficient manner. With a simple software tool we managed to analyze systems for supplying buildings and settlement with energy. The thesis demonstrates the importance of taking a gradual approach in building design and use of dynamic simulation tools, while also draws attention to incomplete legislation, currently effect in this field.

Keywords:nearly zero-energy multi-family house, dynamic simulations, LCC analysis, building envelope, IDA Indor Climate and Energy, energy efficiency, heating and cooling demand, indor comfort

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