
Konceptualizacija transferja med učiteljem in učencem : magistrsko delo
ID Krajnc, Zala (Author), ID Krek, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo v teoretski raziskavi obravnava konceptualizacijo transferja med učiteljem in učencem, izhajajoč iz spoznanj, ki jih je o transfernem razmerju med analitikom in analizantom prinesla psihoanaliza. V delu pokažemo, zakaj vznikne transfer, kako se vzpostavi transferni odnos med analitikom in analizantom ter med učiteljem in učencem, kaj je skupnega ter kaj različnega psihoanalizi in vzgoji. Sprašujemo se, ali so oziroma kako so izbrani teoretiki s področja filozofije edukacije obravnavali odnos, ki ga psihoanaliza tematizira s konceptom transferja, in kako naj analitik in učitelj odkrivata nezavedne procese, ki vplivajo na procese analize oz. vzgoje in izobraževanja. V prvem delu je opredeljen koncept transferja pri Freudu, Lacanu in nekaterih drugih psihoanalitikih, v drugem, pedagoškem delu pa pojasnjujemo konceptualizacijo transferja med učiteljem in učencem. V raziskavi ugotavljamo, da med pojmom očeta v psihoanalizi in pojavom transferja obstaja povezava. Transfer med učiteljem in učencem vznikne, ko učitelj zasede mesto »očetovske instance«, mesto v strukturi govorice, ki omogoča prenos simbolnega Zakona. Po Lacanu je to mesto Ideala jaza, ki predstavlja točko simbolne identifikacije. Simbolna identifikacija je pomemben proces, preko katerega učenec ponotranji pravila oz. simbolni Zakon, učitelju pa omogoči, da preko pri učencu ponotranjenih družbenih norm vzgojno vpliva na učenca. Šele uspešna realizacija omenjenega procesa je pogoj za vzpostavitev avtonomije, odgovornosti in svobode, ki so povezani z osebnostnim razvojem posameznika. Transfer je povezan tudi z vednostjo, kar Lacan tematizira s konceptom »subjekta, za katerega se predpostavlja, da ve«; učitelj bo pri poučevanju uspešen, če bo zasedel to mesto. Zaradi predpostavke, da ima učitelj vednost, se učitelj učencu kaže kot ljubezni vreden, kar pri učencu vzpostavlja željo po znanju in učenju. Ugotavljamo, da mora učitelj nujno analizirati svoja vzgojna dejanja oz. jih reflektirati. Vendar pa refleksija ravnanj z vidika »zavesti« velikokrat ni dovolj. Magistrsko delo zastavlja vprašanje, ali oziroma kako naj bi učitelj reflektiral nezavedna vodila lastnih ravnanj, kar je nenazadnje vprašanje o osebni analizi učiteljev, ki kot individualna osebna odločitev ostaja odprt problem. V tej točki z opravljeno raziskavo učitelje opozarjamo na vzajemne vplive nezavednega pri procesih vzgoje in izobraževanja ter jih ozaveščamo o pomembnosti odkrivanja lastnega nezavednega.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[Z. Krajnc]
Number of pages:60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99404 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11899721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Conceptualization of transference between the teacher and the learner
The theoretical research of the master’s thesis discusses the conceptualization of transference between the teacher and the learner drawn from the transference relationship between the analyst and the analysand based on psychoanalysis. The thesis shows the reasons for the emergence of transference, the establishment of a transference relationship between the analyst and the analysand and between the teacher and the learner. Both common positions and the differences between psychoanalysis and education are also described. The question is whether and how the chosen academics in the field of philosophy of education addressed the relationship that is described with the concept of transference in psychoanalysis, but also how the analyst and the teacher can identify the unconscious processes that affect analysis or education. The first part defines the concept of transference as identified by Freud, Lacan and some other psychoanalysts. However, the second part discusses the conceptualization of transference between the teacher and the learner. The research shows that there is a connection between the psychoanalytic notion of a father and the emergence of transference. The transference between the teacher and the learner emerges when the teacher takes the position of a “father figure”, a position in the structure of speech that allows the introduction of the Symbolic Order. According to Lacan, this presents the Ego Ideal and a point of symbolic identification. However, symbolic identification is an important process through which the learner can internalize the rules or the Symbolic Order, whereas the teacher can have an influence on the learner through the internalized social norms. A successful completion of this process is crucial for the establishment of autonomy, responsibility and freedom, which go hand in hand with an individual’s personal development. The transference is also related to knowledge and for this purpose, Lacan uses the concept of the “subject supposed to know”. The teaching can therefore be successful if the teacher follows this process. In addition, because the learner assumes that the teacher possesses a depth of knowledge, the teacher seems to be worthy of being loved and this creates the desire to acquire knowledge and learn. We note that the teacher should analyse and reflect their educational activities. Nevertheless, the reflection of actions in terms of “consciousness” is often not enough. The master’s thesis raises the question of how the teacher should reflect the unconscious part of their own actions. This relates to the teacher’s personal analysis and remains an open problem due to the individual and personal nature of the decision. In line with the conducted study, the attention of teachers should be drawn to the reciprocal impact of the unconscious regarding educational actions and to the importance of exploring their own unconscious.

Keywords:psychoanalysis, school, education, teacher, psihoanaliza, šola, vzgoja in izobraževanje, učitelj

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