
Praktična uporabnost nekaterih nedestruktivnih preiskovalnih metod pri načrtovanju pregledov premostitvenih objektov : magistrsko delo
ID Kumar, Anže (Author), ID Šelih, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Comentor), ID Kušar, Matej (Comentor)

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MD5: 0196D54FCE220C8DC4A7AC4049E047D9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2519d9c8-ed8d-40f5-9f13-99cca4c84a1d
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MD5: 2CF975C164BCA7C5927A41FEAFB49046
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/89cb4df6-9678-4c10-8d52-f9769faed518

Magistrsko delo obravnava nekatere nedestruktivne metode, ki se najbolj pogosto uporabljajo pri pregledih premostitvenih objektov. Nedestruktivne preiskave, ki jih uporabljamo pri pregledih objektov lahko ocenjujemo z različnimi kriteriji, ki jih v nalogi identificiramo in utemeljimo njihovo relevantnost. Relativne pomembnosti kriterijev smo določili na podlagi anketiranja strokovnjakov, ki izvajajo tovrstne preiskave. Poleg tega smo nedestruktivne preiskovalne metode glede na izbrane kriterije vrednotili na podlagi zaključkov, ki smo jih pridobili pri pregledu razpoložljive literature in anketiranih strokovnjakov. Na podlagi relativne pomembnosti kriterijev in vrednotenja nedestruktivnih metod glede na izbrane kriterije, smo metode razvrstili v tri razrede pomembnosti. Ugotovili smo, da se nedestruktivne metode, ki pri naši razvrstitvi dosegajo višja mesta, tudi v praksi najbolj pogosto uporabljajo. Izvedena je tudi SWOT analiza, ki obravnava pregledovanje premostitvenih objektov z nedestruktivnimi metodami. Ugotovili smo, da bi uporabo nedestruktivnih metod lahko povečal tehnološki razvoj in standardizacija metod. V zadnjem delu naloge smo izvedli vizualni ogled viadukta Dolgi most v Ljubljani. Pri ogledu smo evidentirali vidne poškodbe elementov objekta in predlagali izvedbo najprimernejših nedestruktivnih in destruktivnih preiskav, s katerimi bi pridobili natančnejše podatke o trenutnem stanju vgrajenih materialov in s tem stanja konstrukcije kot celote. Kot najprimernejše smo izbrali preiskave, ki se glede na karakteristike ki jih želimo pridobiti, razvrščajo visoko v naši razvrstitvi. Izvedbo pregleda s predlaganimi preiskavami smo finančno ovrednotili, pri čemer v stroških nismo upoštevali opreme preiskav. Pregled na objektu smo načrtovali z ekipo 2. inženirjev in 3. tehnikov in ocenili, da bi pregled lahko opravili v dveh podaljšanih delovnikih (20 ur), izdelava osnovnega poročila o pregledu pa bi tehnik in inženir opravila v 5 dodatnih dneh.

Keywords:preiskave gradbenih objektov, nedestruktivne metode, monitoring premostitvenih objektov, kriteriji, SWOT analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[A. Kumar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99357 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8326241 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Practical usability of some non-destructive methods for planning of inspections of bridging structures : master's thesis
The Master's thesis presents a review of some of the most common non-destructive methods used in inspections of bridging structures. There are different criteria that evaluate non-destructive methods and we identify and justify the relevance of these criteria. Relative importance of criteria is determined by surveying experts that have experience in non-destructive testing. We also rated individual non-destructive (and some destructive) methods with respect to criteria. Our ratings are based on conclusions that were obtained during the review of available literature and survey of experts. Based on relative importance of criteria and ratings of non-destructive methods we sorted them in three classes of importance. We found that non-destructive methods, which rank high on our classification, are also the most commonly used in the field. A SWOT analysis that deals with non-destructive testing, was also done. We found that the usage of non-destructive methods could be increased by technological development and standardization of methods. In the practical part we made a visual inspection of the viaduct Dolgi most in Ljubljana. We recorded visual defects and suggested the most appropriate non-destructive and destructive methods for inspection, in order to obtain more precise information on the current state of built-in material and structure. As the most appropriate methods, we chose the ones that rank high on our ratings, relating to characteristic that we want to acquire. Inspection, involving all suggested methods, was financially assessed, in which we did not consider machinery and equipment needed for conducting the inspection. We planned an inspection on the structure with 2 engineers and 3 technicians and we estimated that they could complete it in two extended working days (20 hours). Elaboration of a basic inspection report would be carried out by one engineer one technician within 5 additional days.

Keywords:structure inspection bridging structure, non-destructive testing, structural health monitoring, criteria, SWOT analysis

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