
Agroturizem kot potencial za prostorski razvoj zapuščenega kmetijskega območja pri Crikvenici na Hrvaškem
ID Puhalo, Danko (Author), ID Matjašec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Udovč, Andrej (Comentor)

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MD5: 642DC8EF1A1FC5058FD28F824F1C3F07
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f7e6e008-1f57-4455-a311-b5b62dfa0fe0

Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z razvojem zapuščenega kmetijskega območja pri Crikvenici na Hrvaškem. Izvedene analize dokazujejo, da obstaja upravičen potencial za razvoj širšega mestnega območja, kakor tudi za izboljšanje kakovosti življenja prebivalcev s stalnim ohranjanjem obstoječega zelenja in povečanjem števila zelenih površin znotraj mesta ter s preprečevanjem nadaljnje gradnje in pustošenja obalnega območja, kakor tudi z obogatitvijo turistične ponudbe, ki je za to območje zelo pomembna. Agrozono spremlja tudi ideja krožne poti, ki povezuje znamenitosti in druge naravne danosti Crikvenice in sosednje Vinodolske občine. Z revitalizacijo nekdanje avtohtone nravi tega območja tradicije obdelovanja zemlje, se želi predvsem zagotoviti dodatno kakovost življenja prebivalstva in hkrati izboljšati okolje za turiste. Rešitev predvideva ureditev kmetijskih zemljišč, ki bi vsebovala lokalno tipične nasade, večinoma razporejene v smeri severozahod - jugozahod (učinek značilnih vetrov), a hkrati tudi individualno glede na naklon terena in ostale vzgojne potrebe. Razpored polj je oblikovan glede na kulturno dediščino (suhozidovi), gojenje pridelkov zato poteka skladno z njihovo gradnjo. Skozi območje potekata dve večji, vsebinsko urejeni pešpoti, ki tvorita okostje celotnega območja. Na njima se nahaja večina vsebin: informacijske točke, predelovalnica za grozdje, vinske kleti in prostori za degustacijo, sušilnice aromatičnih zelišč in fig, mlin za olive, gostinski objekti, delavnice in odprte prodajne stojnice za degustacijo izdelkov neposredno z njiv. Ob vsem navedenem pa obstaja še mreža intervencijskih poti, ki olajšuje dostop do kmetijskih površin. Z aktiviranjem agrozone in ideje krožne poti bi poleg vsega naštetega, prispevali še k povezanosti precej razdrobljene obale in njenega zaledja. To bi pomenilo prostor za afirmacijo celotnega območja, kot tudi za ustvarjanje novih vsebin, kar bi v končni fazi pomenilo splošni napredek za mesto in njegovo prebivalstvo.

Keywords:krajinska arhitektura, agrozona, turizem na kmetiji, kulturna dediščina, krožna pot, Crikvenica
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[D. Puhalo]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99356 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8942457 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Agrotourism as a potention for spatial development of discarded agricultural land in Crikvenica, Croatia
The thesis deals with spatial development of discarded agricultural land in Crikvenica in Croatia. The analyses carried out show that there is a justified purpose for its existence not only for the profit and the development of the wider urban area, but also for improving the life - quality of the population by continuously preserving existing greenery and increasing the number of green areas within the city, thus preventing the further construction and devastation of the coastal area, as well as the enrichment of the tourist offer, which is very important for mentioned area. The agro - zone is also followed by the idea of a circular route that links the sights and other natural features of Crikvenica and the neighbouring Vinodol municipality. With the revitalization of the former autochthonous nature of this area - the tradition of cultivating the soil, it is primarily intended to provide additional life - quality for the population, while at the same time trying to improve the environment for tourists. The solution envisages the arrangement of agricultural land, which would include typical local crops, located mainly in the northwest - southwest direction (the effect of characteristic winds), but individually according to the slope of the terrain and other cultivation needs. The layout of the fields is mainly based on the cultural heritage (drywall) and cultivation of crops is in accordance with their construction. Throughout the area, two larger footpaths form the skeleton of the entire area and hold most of the contents: information points, grape processing, wine cellars and tasting areas, aromatic herbs and fig dryers, an olive mill, catering facilities and workshops, open sales stands for tasting products directly from the field. There is also a network of intervention routes that facilitate access to the agricultural plots. In addition to all this, the activation of the agro - zone and the idea of a circular route, would also contribute to the connection of a rather fragmented coastline and its hinterland, which would make room for the affirmation of the entire area as well as for the creation of new contents, which would ultimately mean general progress for the city and its population.

Keywords:landscape architecture, agro-zone, agroturism, cultural heritage, route, Crikvenica

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