
Izdelava nadzornega sistema za kovaško stiskalnico
ID GRLICA, JAN (Author), ID Logar, Vito (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6DAD84D22A516EBFF703AD82AC8E6755
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e53790c2-fab8-49b2-aee6-ef8995695df2

V magistrskem delu smo za potrebe podjetja SIJ Metal Ravne d.o.o. raziskali problem izdelave aplikacije za spremljanje trendov, pregledovanje in alarmiranje ob kritičnih vrednostih parametrov na stiskalnici SMS SH45/40 MN, ki bo v pomoč zaposlenim, to je upravljalcem same naprave ter zaposlenim v upravi podjetja. Za razrešitev problema je bila uporabljena strojna in programska oprema, ki mi je bila na voljo kot kadrovskemu štipendistu podjetja. Najprej smo na kratko predstavili kronološki razvoj podjetja in železarstva skozi čas na Ravnah na Koroškem. V naslednjem poglavju smo predstavili obravnavani sistem stiskalnice skupaj z manipulatorjem, ki deluje sinhrono s stiskalnico. V tem poglavju smo povzeli tudi nekaj lastnosti o uporabljenih krmilnikih Siemens SIMATIC S7 416 in razširljivem modulu Siemens CP 443-1, ki krmilijo stiskalnico z manipulatorjem in zajemajo ter pošiljajo parametre iz senzorjev na stiskalnici, ki smo jih uporabili v nadaljevanju. Četrto poglavje je namenjeno predstavitvi programa, ki teče na krmilniku in služi zajemanju podatkov, ter pošiljanju na zbirni krmilnik. Program smo podrobno opisali in priložili programsko kodo. Za lažje razumevanje poglavje vključuje tudi diagramske sheme poteka programa. Naslednje poglavje smo namenili predstavitvi konfiguracije strrežnika OPC. V zadnjem poglavju smo se posvetili predstavitvi razvojnega okolja Microsoft Visual Studio in vseh možnih objektov OPCWPF. V drugem delu poglavja pa smo predstavili narejeno aplikacijo WPF. Nalogo zaključujejo sklepne misli in nekatere ideje za nadaljnje delo.

Keywords:aplikacija WPF, strežnik OPC, nadzorni sistem, stiskalnica SMS SH45/40 MN, programirljivi logični krmilnik Siemens SIMATIC S7 416
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99312 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.01.2018
GRLICA, JAN, 2018, Izdelava nadzornega sistema za kovaško stiskalnico [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Development of the SCADA system for the steel press
In the thesis, we have investigated the problem of development of an application for trend monitoring, inspection and alarming at critical values of the press SMS SH45/40 MN. The application was designed for the needs of company SIJ Metal Ravne d.o.o., and is intended for both, the operators and the employees in the company's management. To solve the problem we used the software and hardware which was available to me as an scholarship holder of the company. First we have briefly presented the chronological development of the company and the iron industry over time in Ravne na Koroškem. In the next chapter we presented the press and the manipulator, which work synchronously. In this chapter, we have also summarized the features of the used contoller, i.e. Siemens SIMATIC S7 416 and its expandable module Siemens CP 443-1, which are controlling the system. The contoller and the module are used to acquire and transmit the data from the sensors, witch are used in the following tasks. The fourth chapter is intended to present a controller program, which serves to acquire the data and sends it to the collector controller. The program has been described in details and the program code was added. For easier understanding the chapter also includes some diagram schemes of the program. The following section is devoted to the presentation of the OPC server configuration. The last chapter presents Microsoft Visual Studio development environment and all possible OPCWPF features, while the second part of the chapter presents a finished WPF application. The thesis ends with some conclusive remarks and ideas for further work.

Keywords:WPF application, OPC server, supervisor system, press SMS SH45/40 MN, programmable logic controller Siemens SIMATIC S7 416

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