
Samospoštovanje, strah pred intimo in neomejenost socioseksualnega vedenja : magistrsko delo
ID Colnerič, Nastja (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1474cdae-d437-4c9b-9464-84923dc00c66

Magistrsko delo Samospoštovanje, strah pred intimo in neomejenost socioseksualnega vedenja skuša skozi teoretični in empirični povezati tri pomembne konstrukte, in sicer samospoštovanje, strah pred intimo in (ne)omejenost socioseksualnega vedenja. V teoretičnem delu se avtorica najprej dotakne tematike samospoštovanja, nato intimnosti in socioseksualne orientacije. Vsako poglavje najprej pojasnjuje pomen teh konstruktov, pojasni razlike med spoloma, nato pa poveže teme med seboj. Temu sledi empirični del, kjer so predstavljene ugotovitve raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 204 udeležencev, od tega 34 moških in 170 žensk. Rezultati so delno potrdili hipotezo, da ostajajo statistično pomembne razlike med moškimi in ženskami v samospoštovanju, strahu pred intimo in omejenosti socioseksualnega vedenja. Avtorica je ugotovila, da moški v povprečju doživljajo višji strah pred intimo kot ženske. Pri stopnji samospoštovanja povprečne vrednosti kažejo, da moški in ženske približno enako vrednotijo svojo lastno vrednost. V (ne)omejenosti socioseksualne orientacije pa so moški bolj permisivno orientirani, medtem ko ženske kažejo bolj restriktivno orientacijo. Zatem je avtorica preverila tudi različne povezave med temi tremi spremenljivkami. Rezultati so pokazali, da med stopnjo samospoštovanja in socioseksualno orientiranostjo ni statistično pomembne povezanosti. Nadalje so rezultati pokazali majhno korelacijo med spremenljivkama socioseksualne orientacije in strahom pred intimo. Osebe z višjim strahom pred intimo izražajo višjo stopnjo neomejenosti v socioseksualnem vedenju. Prav tako sta povezani spremenljivki samospoštovanje in strah pred intimo. Rezultati kažejo, da posamezniki z višjo stopnjo samospoštovanja doživljajo manj strahu pred intimo kot posamezniki z nižjo stopnjo samospoštovanja.

Keywords:samospoštovanje, strah pred intimo, socioseksualna orientiranost, restriktivna socioseksualna orientacija, permisivna socioseksualna orientacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Colnerič]
Number of pages:VI, 71, III str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99256 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7806810 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Self-esteem, fear of intimacy and unrestricted sociosexual behaviour
This Master's thesis attempts to link three important constructs: self-esteem, fear of intimacy and (un)limited sociosexual behaviour. In the theoretical part, the author touches upon the topics of self-esteem, intimacy and finally sociosexual orientation. Each chapter starts with an explanation of the meaning of each previously mentioned construct, continues to explain the differences between the sexes and lastly links together all three topics. The theoretical part is then followed by an empirical part, which included 204 participants, 34 of which were male and 170 female, and presents the findings of this research. The results have partially confirmed the hypothesis, which states that there are statistically significant differences between men and women regarding self-esteem, fear of intimacy and limitation of sociosexual behaviour. The author found that on average, men experience a higher level of fear of intimacy than women do. In relation to the degree of self-esteem, average values show that both sexes value their own worth approximately equally, whereas in (un)limited sociosexual orientation, men have proven to be more permissive while women appear to be more restrictive. Afterwards, the author also examined various connections among the three variables. The results have shown no statistically significant connection between the levels of self-esteem and sociosexual orientation. Furthermore, a small correlation between the variables of sociosexual orientation and fear of intimacy has been discovered. Persons, who fear intimacy more, express a higher degree of limitlessness in sociosexual behaviour. Self-esteem and fear of intimacy are similarly connected. It has also been gathered from the results that individuals with higher levels of self-esteem experience less fear of intimacy than those with lower levels.

Keywords:self-respect, fear of intimacy, sociosexual orientation, restrictive sociosexual orientation, permissive sociosexual orientation

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