
Merske lastnosti lestvic za oceno samozaupanja pri pacientih po možganski kapi : pregled literature
ID Malik, Monika (Author), ID Puh, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kržišnik, Maruša (Comentor)

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MD5: 2D6FD6C4F0136D0B57B5790B921D79D1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/59b92b4b-bf2c-485e-ae68-995c8491027f

Uvod: Možganska kap lahko poveča možnost za pojav padca in strahu pred padci. Strah pred padci in z njim povezano samoučinkovitost ter samozaupanje lahko ocenimo s subjektivno oceno posameznikovih zmožnosti, kar omogočata lestvica učinkovitosti pri padcih (angl. Falls Efficacy Scale – FES) in lestvica zaupanja pri dejavnostih, povezanih z ravnotežjem (angl. Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale – ABC). Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je pregled merskih lastnosti lestvic FES in ABC ter njunih različic pri pacientih po možganski kapi. Metode: Članki so bili pregledani v podatkovnih zbirkah PubMed (MEDLINE), Cochrane library in CINAHL. V pregled je bilo vključenih 18 raziskav, objavljenih do konca avgusta 2017. Rezultati: Ugotovljena je bila odlična zanesljivost ponovljenega testiranja za FES, mednarodno FES, švedsko modifikacijo FES in lestvico ABC (ICC = 0,82–0,98). Notranja skladnost je bila odlična pri švedski modifikaciji FES in lestvici ABC (α = 0,93–0,97), pri mednarodni FES pa je bila dobra (α = 0,78). Veljavnost konstrukta je bila pri FES in njenih različicah dobra (7 raziskav) ali visoka (6 raziskav), v eni raziskavi je bila povezanost z Bergovo lestvico za oceno ravnotežja nizka (rho = 0,27). Lestvica ABC in njene različice so dosegle dobro (8 raziskav) veljavnost, v eni raziskavi je bila povezanost s številom padcev (r = od –0,64 do –0,65) in šestdelno lestvico ABC (r = 0,96) visoka. Sočasna veljavnost FES in njenih različic je bila visoka (4 raziskave) ali srednja (ena raziskava), pri lestvici ABC in njenih različicah pa visoka (ena raziskava), srednja (5 raziskav) ali nizka (2 raziskavi), v dveh raziskavah so proučevali učinek stropa in tal pri lestvici ABC. V eni raziskavi učinka stropa in tal pri lestvici ABC nista bila prisotna, v drugi je bil prisoten učinek stropa pri 3 elementih, učinek tal pa pri 8 elementih. Sklep: Izsledki raziskav kažejo, da je za oceno samoučinkovitosti pri pacientih po možganski kapi v akutnem in kroničnem obdobju izbira lestvice ABC najbolj ustrezna. Dodatno bi bilo treba preveriti učinek stropa in tal v akutnem obdobju po možganski kapi.

Keywords:lestvica učinkovitosti pri padcih, lestvica zaupanja pri dejavnostih, povezanih s padci, samozaupanje, možganska kap, veljavnost, zanesljivost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99139 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5375083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.12.2017
MALIK, Monika, 2017, Merske lastnosti lestvic za oceno samozaupanja pri pacientih po možganski kapi : pregled literature [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 20 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Measurement properties of scales for the evaluation of self-confidence in patients after stroke : literature review
Background: Stroke can with imposed restrictions cause limitations that increase the possibility of falling and fear of falling. Fear of falling, associated with self-efficacy and self-confidence, can be assessed with a subjective assessment of individual's capabilities through scales: Falls Efficiency Scale (FES) and Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC scale). Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to review the measurement characteristics of scales FES, ABC and their variations in patients after stroke. Methods: Articles were reviewed in the databases: PubMed (MEDLINE), Cochrane Library and CINAHL. The included 18 articles were published until the end of August 2017. Results: The test-retest reliability after stroke is excellent for FES, the Swedish version of FES, the international FES and the ABC scale (ICC = 0.82 – 0.98). The reliability of internal consistency is excellent for the Swedish version of FES and the ABC scale (α = 0.93 – 0.97), for the international FES the reliability was good (α = 0.78). Construct validity was for FES and its variants either good (7 articles) or excellent (6 articles), one article had low validity for Berg balance scale (rho = 0.27). The ABC scale and its variants show good (8 articles) (one article had excellent validity for number of falls (r = -0.64 - -0.65) and ABC-6 item scale (r = 0.96)) construct validity. Concurrent validity in patients after stroke was excellent (4 articles) or good (one article) for FES and its variants. For the ABC scale the concurrent validity was either excellent (one article), good (5 articles) or low (2 articles), two articles studied the ceiling and floor effect in the ABC scale. In one, both effects were not present, meanwhile for the other article the ceiling effect was present in 3 elements and the floor effect in 8 elements. Conclusion: The results of researches show, that for the evaluation of self-efficacy in acute or chronic patients after stroke the use of the ABC scale is recommended. For the ABC scale, it is additionally recommended to evaluate the ceiling and floor effect in acute stroke.

Keywords:Falls Efficacy Scale, Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale, self-confidence, stroke, validity, reliability

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