The purpose of this Master's thesis is hardware engineering and designing a measuring system or measuring device, which allows us to measure the parameters during a classical rally competition. The innovative system is designed for measuring several different types of competitions with a small number of staff and displaying the results in a very short time after the competition. Using this system lowers the costs for the organizer, because external contractors are no longer necessary for completing the measurements.
In this assignment, we first discuss the course of measurement systems over time and its development in connection with automobilism and describe the racing types that are performed in classical rallies. Then we discuss the issues with existing measuring system and designing a measurement system that eliminates the organizational problems. In the second chapter, we describe the entire design of device’s hardware, which consist of multiple blocks, that are placed around high-performance microcontroller STM32F407 which communicates and operates with the rest of modules and the following circuit blocks: GPS module, Bluetooth module, RF module, connector for photo cells, connector for photo cells and pressure switch pipe, IR transmitter, buzzer, 3D accelerometer, 3D gyroscope, 3D magnetometer, up/down switch regulator, USB Li-on charger and amoled display.
In the third part of Master's thesis, is a description of main software tools, needed for developing a mechanical part and its functional operation of software part of the device. At the end, we performed simulations and measurements to verify the optimal performance of designed system.