Purpose of this thesis is to present a six week training plan with weighted extremities, with which we tested the influence of exercise on some motor abilities. Fitness periodization is, in addition to technique and tactics, of key importance for efficiency and sport performance. The presented martial art of aikido was used for the training approach in testing exercise in difficult circumstances. This type of exercise includes complex movements of the entire body, that is why it presents demanding conditions for the use of a prototype equipment, the purpose of which was to increase endurance of muscular, cardio-vascular and respiratory system in the preparation of athletes in their primary sport. First, we designed a training plan for the martial art of aikido, realized it, and then compared the progress of aikidokas with regard to use of the weighted extremities equipment. We analyzed the results and interpreted them, while we could not confirm the hypotheses, we tried to explain certain deviations of the results. Training with weighted extremities was probably more likely to influence the physical strength and skills that correlate with strength (coordination, flexibility, balance), while the extra weight did not influence the progress in endurance as a physical ability. The research was limited to a small number of test subjects, so it should only be considered as a possible insight into the adaptation of human body in such conditions.
The thesis is of a monographic type with a descriptive method and additional research pilot study. We used the expert literature, online literature, exchange of opinions and experience of trainers, co-aikidokas and own experience.