
Sistem za uravnavanje svetlobe v prostoru
ID PODPADEC, MATIC (Author), ID Rupnik, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4D593BDBB5859B03C2EE4ADEFF9AF937
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f277b6f9-d257-4aed-8734-d0a81292bee3

V diplomskem delu smo se lotili izdelave sistema za upravljanje svetlobe v prostoru. Namen sistema je nadzor virov svetlobe v prostoru s pomočjo senzorjev za avtomatski nadzor in aplikacije za ročni nadzor. Za reševanje problem smo uporabili Raspberry 3 model B, ki nam služi kot strežnik za našo spletno aplikacijo in API, preko katerega poteka komunikacija z ostalimi moduli. Aplikacija in API sta napisani v programskem jeziku Python 3 s pomočjo ogrodij Django in Django REST. Podatki so shranjeni v podatkovni bazi SQLite3, nadzor nad strojno opremo izvajamo preko mikrokontrolerja Arduino UNO.

Keywords:računalnik, IoT, senzorji, Arduino, Raspberry Pi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98942 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.12.2017
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Title:The system for the management of light
In this thesis we have created a system for indoor light management. The main purpose of this system is to control the light inside our home, office or any other indoor space. We’ve achieved this with the help of automatic light sensor as well as manual control of the application. The entire system is controlled by Raspberry Pi 3 model B, which functionsboth as a server for the web based application, as well as the API for communication with other modules. Both API and the application are written in Python 3 working with frameworks Django and Django REST. For data storage we’ve used SQLite3 and the main control over hardware is done by Arduino UNO.

Keywords:computer, IoT, sensors, Arduino, Raspberry Pi

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