
Družinskopravne posledice dejanske življenjske skupnosti istospolnih partnerjev
ID Ulčar, Urša (Author), ID Novak, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 08A1DB81D465737B7C4AB70B386D52FF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/84822327-a3ad-43a3-8471-1b7db596a474

Istospolni partnerji pred uveljavitvijo Zakona o registraciji istospolne partnerske skupnosti niso bili vključeni v obstoječo družinsko zakonodajo, zaradi česar je bil njihov pravni položaj neurejen. Zakon je uredil registracijo istospolne partnerske skupnosti, ki je ustvarjala pravne posledice samo v razmerju med partnerjema, ni pa zagotavljala njihovih pravic in obveznosti v razmerju do otrok. Institut registrirane istospolne partnerske skupnosti je z uveljavitvijo Zakona o partnerski zvezi nadomestila sklenjena partnerska zveza, ki ima enake pravne posledice kot zakonska zveza tako na področju družinskega prava, kakor tudi na vseh ostalih pravnih področjih. Družinska zakonodaja do uveljavitve Zakona o partnerski zvezi ni poznala posebne pravne ureditve dejanske življenjske skupnosti istospolnih partnerjev. Zakon o partnerski zvezi to skupnost imenuje nesklenjena partnerska zveza, ki je dalj časa trajajoča življenjska skupnost dveh oseb istega spola, ki nista sklenili partnerske zveze. Nesklenjena partnerska zveza ustvarja pravne posledice samo v razmerju med partnerjema, ki so na področju družinskega prava enake kot v razmerju med partnerji iz sklenjene partnerske zveze. Na področjih zunaj družinskega prava pa ta zveza ustvarja pravne posledice le, če zakonodaja s tega področja take pravne posledice priznava zunajzakonski skupnosti. Nova ureditev se sicer približuje popolni izenačitvi pravic z raznospolnimi partnerji, vendar istospolna partnerja še vedno ne moreta skupaj posvojiti otroka in nista upravičena do postopkov oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo.

Keywords:istospolni partnerji, raznospolni partnerji, registrirana istospolna partnerska skupnost, sklenjena partnerska zveza, nesklenjena partnerska zveza, diskriminacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98935 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15941201 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.12.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Family law consequences of the actual life partnership of the same-sex partners
Prior to the entry into force of the Civil Partnership Registration Act, same-sex partners were not included in the existing family legislation, therefore, their legal situation was unregulated. The Act regulated registration of the same-sex partnership, which created legal consequences only in the relationship among partners, but it did not provide rights and obligations in the relationship towards children. With the entry into force of the Civil Union Act, the institute of the registered same-sex partnership was replaced by the civil union that has the same legal consequences as the marriage both, in the field of family law, as well as in all other legal fields. Until the entry into force of the Civil Union Act, family legislation did not know a special legal regulation of the actual life partnership of the same-sex partners. In the Civil Union Act, this partnership is called non-formal civil union, which is a long-standing partnership of two persons of the same sex, who did not get married. Non-formal civil union creates legal consequences only in the relationship among partners, which are in the field of family law the same as in the relationship among civil union partners. In the fields outside the family law, this partnership creates legal consequences only if the legislation in the subject field acknowledges such legal consequences to the extramarital union. The new arrangement approaches the full equality of rights with heterosexual partners. However, same-sex partners still cannot adopt a child together and are not entitled to the assisted human reproduction procedures.

Keywords:same-sex partners, heterosexual partners, registered same-sex partnership, civil union, non-formal civil union, discrimination

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