
Sledenje izdelkov s pomočjo tehnologije RFID
ID Povšin, Miha (Author), ID Šimic, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Herakovič, Niko (Comentor)

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MD5: C83DD44C4F9F508103720CCB0F4D16AD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e0d5d308-b597-4a8c-9995-e291696053e2

Naloga obravnava tematiko sledenja izdelkov s pomočjo RFID tehnologije. Za proizvodni proces s transportno paletno linijo in izdelki na paletah smo podrobneje raziskali možnost uporabe RFID tehnologije in obstoječe strojne ter programske RFID opreme za proces avtomatskega branja in zapisovanja podatkov. V prvem delu naloge smo zato podrobneje popisali RFID tehnologijo in uporabljen RFID sistem s ključnimi komponentami in programskim orodjem. Teoretično smo izračunali relativno maksimalno hitrost oznake, ki potuje mimo bralnika. Nadalje smo izdelali preizkuševališče za izvedbo meritev. Podrobneje smo analizirali vpliv oddaljenosti oznake od bralnika na zaznavanje, vpliv relativne hitrosti oznake pri različnih oddaljenostih od bralnika na zaznavanje ter določili mejne vrednosti oddaljenosti in hitrosti oznake. Nato smo izdelali program za avtomatsko branje in zapis podatkov ter izvedli preizkus. Končni rezultat naloge predstavlja določitev področja zaznavanja oz. funkcionalnost RFID sistema.

Keywords:RFID sledenje izdelkov proizvodni procesi branje in zapis eksperimentalne analize
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98914 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2017
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Title:Tracking of products by using the RFID technology
The thesis focuses on the topic of tracking products by means of RFID technology. We thoroughly explored the possibility of the application of RFID technology and the existing mechanical and software RFID equipment in the process of automatic reading and recording data in the manufacturing process of transporting pallets and products on pallets. In the first part we provided a detailed description of RFID technology and the applied RFID system with its key components and software. Theoretically we measured the relative speed of the tag which is carried along the reader. Furthermore, we produced the testing area needed to conduct the measurements. We analysed the effect of the remoteness of the tag from the reader on detecting and we also determined the limit values of the remoteness and the speed of the tag. We finally wrote a programme for automatic reading and data recording and conducted an experiment. The final outcome of the thesis represents the determination of the area of detection, in particular the functionality of RFID system.

Keywords:RFID tracking of parts manufacturing proces read and write data experimental analysis

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