
Komunizem v ZDA in vpliv na "drugi val" ženskega gibanja : CPUSA, proletarska književnost in "rdeči" feminizem
ID Tolić, Anita (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Burcar, Lilijana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3F2308572E1FC949F0CDE3DC5AD8F244
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3fc426f8-7669-4dc1-8b9a-6233732f3f2d

Združene države Amerike so trdnjava kapitalistične ekonomske dominacije in liberalne ideološke hegemonije; slednjo so dosegli z uspešnim utišanjem nasprotujočih glasov, boj za ideološko dominacijo pa je dosegel vrh v času hladne vojne. Med tarčami protikomunistične kampanje je bila tudi nekoč zelo prisotna in pomembna tradicija levega radikalizma in boja za marginalizirane in zatirane družbene skupine. V nalogi se zato osredotočim na analizo "izgubljenih desetletij" dejavnosti politične levice, poseben poudarek pa namenim obdobju velike depresije, v katerem je Komunistična stranka ZDA (CPUSA) postala pomembna politična sila. Začnem z orisom najzgodnejših pojavov radikalnih idej, nastanka prvih delavskih sindikatov in strank ter začetkov organiziranja žensk, nato sledi podrobnejša obravnava pionirske vloge CPUSA v organiziranju žensk, temnopoltih in brezposelnih ter v zgodnjem obdobju gibanja za državljanske pravice. Konceptu ameriškega "ekscepcionalizma" določim izvor v ekonomskih pogojih pospešene industrializacije, ki je privedla do prevlade kapitalističnega produkcijskega načina, takšno izhodišče pa je dalo zagon povojnemu antikomunizmu. Pokažem, da je prav to posredno vplivalo na kratkovidno in anahronistično razdelitev ženskih gibanj na valove, ki so metafora, ki jo problematiziram kot neustrezno za kategorizacijo ženskih gibanj. Kulturno produkcijo izpostavim kot pomemben del strategije CPUSA za pridobivanje delavstva v boju za socializem, zato podrobneje raziščem literarna izhodišča in dosežke levice v 1930-ih, s poudarkom na proletarski književnosti in ustvarjanju žensk iz tega obdobja. Med slednjimi izpostavim Tillie Olsen in njen roman Yonnondio - From the Thirties.

Keywords:žensko gibanje, feminizem, drugi val, Združene države Amerike, komunizem, antikomunizem, komunistične stranke, proletarska književnost, diplomska dela
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Tolić]
Number of pages:VI, 84 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98870 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:62956130 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.12.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Communism in the U.S. and its role in the emergence of the "2nd wave" feminism
The United States are the contemporary fortress of capitalistic economic dominance and liberal ideological hegemony with the latter having been achieved by way of successful silencing of the oppositional voices. Such struggle for ideological domination reached extreme levels during the Cold War era. One of the casualties of the anti-communist crusade was a once very prominent and important tradition of the Left radicalism and its fight for the marginalized and oppressed social groups. In the thesis, I set out to analyze the "lost decades" of the political Left's activities, with special emphasis on the decade of the Great Depression which witnessed the rise of the Communist Party of the United States of America. I begin with an outline of the emergence of radical thought and action in the USA; the first labor and women's trade unions and parties; and then continue with a more thorough elaboration of CPUSA's pioneering role in organizing women, Blacks, and the unemployed, and in the early civil rights movement. I trace the origins of American "exceptionalism" in the economic conditions of rapid industrialization and subsequent predominance of the capitalist mode of production, which gave a strong impetus to the postwar anticommunism and indirectly influenced the myopic and anachronistic division of women's movements into waves, which I later on problematize as an unsuitable metaphor for the categorization of women's movements. Cultural production was also a crucial part of the CPUSA's strategy to win over workers for the socialist cause, which is why I examine in more detail the literary policies and achievements of the Left in the 1930s, particularly in the field of proletarian literature and the works of women writers from the same period - predominantly Tillie Olsen and her novel Yonnondio - From the Thirties.

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