In the Master's thesis I focus on co-creating the supervisory process and on the research of the creative supervision field. Each group supervision is a co-creation since we will connect partly-known ingredients to achieve relatively unpredictable results (Proctor, 2000). The term "co-creation" in the prefix "co" is appropriate in this context, as it involves co-operation, co-development, co-creation carried out by interlocutors, fellow travelers, and co-workers in the process (adapted by Čačinovič Vogrinčič, 2010). Formation and creation of a creative supervisory field I understand either as a moment or as a process when the group comes to synergy and the result or effect of the supervision meeting is greater than the sum of the interventions, knowledge and experience of the individual participants of the supervisory group. Like a bubble that envelops the group and within which supervisor and participants learn, develop new professional paths and grow as a person. The purpose of the research is to study the complexity of the co-creation of the supervision process, an interaction between the context, the participants and the leader. Within this, I study supervision as a creative process and a supervisor as a creator, who is ready to use himself and his talents as an instrument, and participants as co-makers of a process in which they grow professionally and personally. I used a qualitative research approach in which I conducted individual interviews with three experienced supervisors and focus interviews with their three supervisory groups. Based on a substantive analysis of the material, I examined the basic elements of the co-creation of the supervision process and the creative supervision field. For supervisors, the co-creation is a value which they follow, for participants the co-creation is a contribution of each member of the group through their active participation and mutual interaction. It turned out that the supervisor's role is primarily to enable participants to have optimal learning conditions and that he is responsible for managing the process. It is on the participant to use these circumstances effectively for his professional development by being active, brave, honest, cooperating and taking responsibility for his / her learning and there for the content of the supervision process. The role of the supervision group is to support, encourage, create, establish a safe and confident atmosphere, and that is a source of many perspectives, ideas, solutions, etc.. It is encouraging in the supervision process if there is trust among all members, towards supervisor and in to the supervision process, if everyone actively engages, if the supervisor places the participant in the focus, supervisor feel the participant, follows participant and not methods and also guides participant; if the participant is prepared to work on himself, to collaborate, to contribute their views and if he takes respects arrangements; if the group creates an atmosphere where security, trust, respect, support and good working relationships prevail, if they together form a clear cooperation arrangement to clarify expectations, goals and rules… There are potential obstacles to the supervision process, such as: if members do not get well together or with the supervisor, bad relationships, mistrust, violation of agreements, if the supervisor put too much pressure on members, or moralize and condemn, or if he follows the method instead the participant, if the members are involuntarily involved and they do not have the need for supervision and are not ready to expose themselves, if in a group is presence of disrespect, control, conflicts, disruptive communication... Supervisors and participants describe a creative supervision field as a thinking and emotionally charged moment; as a collective energy that is imprinted into the members and it remains. It arises as a synergetic effect, within which it comes to insights, learning, self-understanding, personal and professional growth.