
Zasnova in izvedba merilno – regulacijskega vezja za tri-nivojski "Vienna" usmernik
ID KLOBUČAR, BLAŽ (Author), ID Zajec, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9d56f6d4-8257-4f10-9677-4767321b0ae0

Zasnova in izvedba merilno – regulacijskega vezja za tri-nivojski "Vienna" usmernik predstavlja tokokrog usmernika impulzne širinske modulacije s prikazom teoretične in eksperimentalne izvedbe krmiljenja za upravljanje takega tokokroga. Usmernik impulzne širinske modulacije, ki iz trifaznega izmeničnega toka proizvaja enosmerni tok, se pogosto uporablja v napravah z višjim tokom, kot so brezprekinitveni napajalnik (Uninterruptible Power Supply/UPS), polnilne postaje za električna vozila (Electric Vehicle Charging Stations/(EVCS) in tudi pri telekomunikacijskih in drugih podobnih napajanjih. Primarno vprašanje v predstavljeni raziskavi lahko interpretiramo tako: Ali je v pogledu učinkovitosti dvonivojska rešitev SiC konkurenčna v primerjavi s trinivojsko hibridno rešitvijo Si/SiC? Da lahko odgovorimo na to vprašanje, moramo razviti novo testno platformo, ki omogoča preizkuse usmernika polprevodnikov v topologiji tipa T (usmernik PWM). Med raziskavo smo razvili novo testno enoto s celotnim krmilnim in z merilnim sistemom. S to enoto smo lahko izvedli testiranje polprevodnikov v pogojih usmernika (aplikacija, ki omogoča pretvorbe izmeničnega toka v enosmerni tok). Prvi del magistrskega dela predstavlja teoretično znanje o topologijah usmernikov, ki smo jih uporabili med raziskavo, bralec pa bo s posredovanim znanjem lahko razumel magistrsko delo. Teorija vključuje teoretično znanje o vzbujevalnem pretvorniku PFC (PFC/Power Factor Corrector = korekcijski faktor za moč), o aktivnem usmerniku PFC, s šeststikalnim ojačanjem (dvonivojski pretvornik B6) in trinivojskem usmerniku PWM. V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo tudi tehnike krmiljenja, ki smo jih uporabili za doseganje natančnih rezultatov. Osrednji del te študije vsebuje prikaz modeliranja (simulacije), opis praktičnega dela (načrt plošče tiskanega vezja/PCB, izbiro senzorjev, programiranje), nadaljuje pa se s študijo preizkusov obstoječih plošč za dvonivojske in trinivojske topologije. Rezultati preizkusov v poglavju 6 predstavljajo korist uporabe naprednejših polprevodnikov (na primer SiC) v trinivojskem pretvorniku (usmernik PWM) in jih primerjajo z dvonivojskim pretvornikom (B6).

Keywords:PFC Pretvornik, Usmernik, Razsmernik, AC/DC, DC/AC, Vienna Usmernik, Semiconductors, Silicon, Silicon Carbide, Močnostni polprevodniki (MOSFET, IGBT, dioda), (B6) dvonivojski in trinivojski pretvornik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98392 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.11.2017
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Title:Design and implementation of a measuring and control circuit for three-level "Vienna" rectifier
The Design and Realization of a three-level Vienna rectifier control represents a Vienna rectifier circuit with a demonstration of a theoretical and experimental control implementation required for operating such a circuit. The Vienna rectifier generates a DC voltage out of the three-phase AC voltage and is often presented in higher power applications such as Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) as well as telecommunication and other similar power supplies. The primary question of the presented research can be interpreted as follows: Is a two-level SiC solution competitive compared to a three-level hybrid Si/SiC solution in terms of efficiency? To answer this, a new test platform that assures rectifier tests of semiconductors in T-Type topology (Vienna rectifier) had to be developed. During the research, a new test unit was developed with a complete control and measuring system. This provided the possibility of testing semiconductors under rectifier conditions (an application which enables conversion from AC to DC). The first part of this thesis presents theoretical knowledge about rectifier topologies used during the research in addition to providing the reader with the ability to understand the written work. Theory includes a theoretical knowledge of a boost PFC converter, active six switch boost-type PFC rectifier (two-level B6 converter) and a three-level Vienna rectifier. In the theoretical part, control techniques used for accomplishing precise results are also presented. The core of this study demonstrates modelling (simulations), description of practical work (PCB design, sensors selection, programming) and continues with an experimental study on existing boards for two and three-level topologies. The experimental results in Chapter Tests and Results present the benefit of using more advanced (E.g. SiC) semiconductors in a three-Level (Vienna rectifier) converter and compares them with a two-level (B6) converter.

Keywords:boost PFC converter (PFC boost), Rectifier, Inverter, AC/DC, DC/AC, Vienna Rectifier, B6 converter, Semiconductors, Silicon (Si), Silicon Carbide (SiC), Power Switch, Power diode, MOSFET, IGBT, two-level, three-level

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