
Vloga očeta pri vzgoji, problematično vedenje otrok in relacijska družinska terapija : doktorska disertacija
ID Žabkar, Blaž (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Doktorsko delo obravnava vlogo očeta v vzgoji, problematično vedenje otrok in relacijsko družinsko terapijo kot vrsto pomoči družini v stiski. Teoretični uvod podaja pregled strokovne literature na področju družine kot sistema, vloge očeta v družini, razvoja in delovanja uma ter relacijske družinske terapije. V kvantitativni raziskavi smo preverili stanje med 380 očeti in materami osnovnošolskih otrok, ki so izpolnjevali vprašalnika o otrokovem vedenju in o odnosu staršev do otroka in starševstva. S statistično analizo smo primerjali očete in matere ter ugotovili, da imajo matere bolj razvite starševske spretnosti kot očetje. Izjema je učinkovitost postavljanja meja, kjer so očetje enakovredni materam. Prav ta starševska spretnost se je v postopku regresijske analize tudi izkazala za najpomembnejši napovedni dejavnik problematičnega vedenja otrok. Drugi del raziskave se je na majhnem vzorcu treh sodelujočih družin osredotočil na preverjanje učinkovitosti relacijske družinske terapije. S kombinacijo treh raziskovalnih metod, vprašalnikov ECBI in PCRI, pisanjem dnevnika ter strukturiranim intervjujem, smo preverjali spremembe v družini kot posledice terapevtske obravnave. Kombinacija treh različnih metod zagotavlja globlje razumevanje spremembe v družinskem sistemu. Pridobljeni rezultati kažejo na učinkovitost relacijske družinske terapije kot pomoči družinam z vedenjskimi težavami otrok. Večjo oviro pri postavljanju trdnejših sklepov predstavlja nizka udeležba v drugem delu raziskave. Raziskava je pomembna tako za razumevanje družinske dinamike in pojava težavnega vedenja kot tudi za zagotavljanje primerne pomoči družinam v stiski.

Keywords:družinski sistem, očetova vloga, razvoj uma, medosebni odnosi, težavno vedenje, relacijska družinska terapija
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Žabkar]
Number of pages:IX, 270 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98388 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:292852736 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Father's role in child care, problematic child behavior and relational family therapy
The present doctoral thesis discusses the role of the father in child care, problematic child behavior and relational family therapy as a mode of help to families in need. The theoretical overview of the literature in the field of family systems, the role of the father in the family, the development and functioning of the mind, and relational family therapy is presented. The quantitative research assesses the status of 380 fathers and mothers of primary school children who participated by filling in the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and Parent-Child Relationship Inventory. The statistical comparison of fathers and mothers shows that mothers have more developed parenting skills than fathers. The one exception is the efficiency of setting limits, where fathers are as efficient as mothers. The regression analysis proves the same skill to be the most important predictor of child problem behavior. The qualitative analyses of a small 3-family-sample focused on verifying the effectiveness of the relational family therapy. The changes in the family, as a result of a therapeutic treatment, are examined via three research methods – ECBI and PCRI, time diary, and structured interview. The methodological triangulation ensures deeper understanding of the change in the family system. The results obtained imply that the relational family therapy is an effective aid to the families of children with problematic behavior while firm conclusions are not possible due to low research participation. The research is important for understanding family dynamics and problematic behavior as well as for providing appropriate assistance to families in need.

Keywords:family system, role of the father, mind development, interpersonal relationships, problem behavior, relational family therapy

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