
Vpliv navidezne resničnosti na človekove zaznave
ID KOŠIR, ROK (Author), ID Peer, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5C7C295E9AC15F0A2A76F0B5DE9BCA22
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/62a7a04a-4fee-4b19-8167-f6a62f77919f

Strah je eden izmed osnovnih mehanizmov za preživetje in ima velik vpliv na naše počutje in obnašanje. Zaradi pretiranega strahu ljudje doživljamo fobije, ki vplivajo na naše vsakodnevno življenje. Soočanje s fobijami je lahko tudi nevarno. Diplomsko delo se navezuje na akrofobijo (strahom pred višino), njenem vplivu na človeka in soočanju z njo v varnem okolju. Cilj naloge je pomagati uporabniku, da se sooči s strahom v varnem okolju, brez nevarnosti. V nalogi naredimo pregled nad že znanimi rešitvami in izluščimo ključne informacije. Spoznamo tehnologije, ki so bile uporabljene za pripravo okolja. Predstavimo naš postopek razvoja. Opravimo teste na množici uporabnikov, kjer s pomočjo rešitve raziskujemo vpliv na posameznika ter možnosti omejitve strahu. Na koncu dela podamo rezultate in iz odgovorov, ki so jih uporabniki podali, predstavimo primerjavo med izkušnjami. Rezultati temeljijo na kvalitativni analizi množice primerov.

Keywords:navidezna resničnost, igralni pogon, akrofobija, zaznavanje gibanja, simulacija, Unreal, Oculus Rift, Kinect
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98312 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.11.2017
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Title:Influence of virtual reality on human perception
Fear has a big impact on our feelings and behavior, it's one of the basics for survival. Excessive fear can lead to phobias, which can effect our everyday life. It's hard to face your fear, also beacuse it can lead to dangerous situations. The main subject of this thesis is acrophobia (fear of heights), its effect on people and facing it in a controlled environment with the help of technology. The goal is to help the user with a controlled environment, where he can face the fears without danger. We look at similar solutions and retrieve usefull information. We get to know the technologies used for building the solution. We take a look at the development process. We test the solution on a test group. At the end we summarize the answers from the users. The work is thus based on a qualitative analysis of the answers.

Keywords:virtual reality, game engine, acrophobia, motion capture, simulation, Unreal, Oculus Rift, Kinect

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