
Jezikoslovna analiza spletnih besedil na primeru objav Jonasa Žnidaršiča : magistrsko delo
ID Prek Perme, Tina (Author), ID Kranjc, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C6E7F87D3086B83AFDFF20887CB74D15
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7469acda-52c9-44a0-94fb-e91d44f013ab

V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni izhodiščni koncepti, ki so bili podlaga nadaljnjemu raziskovalnemu delu, in sicer osnovni pojmi pragmatike in stilistike, ključni pojme žanrske teorije ter pomembni vidiki za analizo slikovnih sestavin pri sporazumevanju; predstavljene so glavne značilnosti spletnih besedil, ki jih v prvi vrsti zaznamujejo hiperbesedilnost, večpredstavnost ter aktualnost. Opredeljeni so tudi osnovni pojmi povezani z blogom, značilnosti družbenega omrežja Twitter ter aplikacije Instagram. Drugi del zajema analizo spletnih objav Jonasa Žnidaršiča z vidika izhodiščnih konceptov. Avtor je besedila objavil na svojem blogu Futer in na Twitterju - podrobneje je analiziranih šest besedil, objavljenih na njegovem blogu, od tega štirje novejši in dva starejša bloga, ter njegovi tviti, objavljeni v obdobju enega leta (od aprila 2015 do marca 2016), ki se povezujejo tudi z njegovimi objavami na Instagramu. Metodološki pristop, ki je bil uporabljen pri analizi besedil, je bila kritična analiza diskurza; analizirane pa so tako besedilne kot tudi nebesedilne prvine. Gre za presojevalno-polemični tip besedil, s katerimi avtor podaja svoje mnenje ali začenja diskusijo o aktualnih tematikah. Žnidaršič v obravnavanih besedilih s svojimi izbirami potrjuje svojo visoko razvito jezikovno kompetenčnost, njegov slog je humoren in sproščen, oba elementa pa tvorec vnaša s pomočjo jezikovnih izbir, in sicer predvsem z načrtnimi leksikalnimi ter skladenjskimi odkloni od norme.

Keywords:slovenščina, stilistika, spletna besedila, blog, tvit, hiperbesedilnost, bolonjski magisteriji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Prek]
Number of pages:89 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98187 This link opens in a new window
UDC:811.163.6'38:929Žnidaršič J.
COBISS.SI-ID:64634978 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2017
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This Master's thesis outlines some basic concepts, which were the basis for further research work, namely the core concepts of pragmatics and stylistics, key terms of theory of the genre and important aspects of the analysis of the pictorial components of communication. It further presents the main features of web texts, which are primarily characterised by hypertextuality, multimedia and topicality. Additionally, the basic concepts of blog and characteristics of social network Twitter and Instagram have been discussed. In the second part of the work the online posts of Jonas Žnidaršič have been analysed from the perspective of the basic concepts. The author has published his texts on his blog, Futer, and on Twitter. We have thoroughly analysed six of his texts published on his blog, four of which were newer and two older, and his tweets published over the period of one year (from April 2015 to March 2016), which link up with his Instagram publications too. The texts were analysed using critical discourse analysis methodology and both, textual and non-textual elements were analysed. The author presents his opinion or starts a discussion on current topics creating evaluative and polemical types of text. In the analysed texts Žnidaršič affirms his highly developed linguistic competence; his style of writing is humorous and relaxed and both of these elements are conveyed through language choice, mainly with premeditated lexical and syntactic deviations from norm.

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