
Krščanske skupnosti Bližnjega vzhoda
ID Vene, Jona Janez (Author), ID Osredkar, Mari Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cb4d79fe-2d0a-4b93-8332-97cd6c8eb081

V magistrskem delu smo s pomočjo ustrezne literature in ostalih podatkov skušali opisati različne krščanske skupnosti na širšem Bližnjem Vzhodu (regija MENA-Middle East and North Africa). Najprej smo opredelili kaj je krščanstvo (v makro-regiji obstajajo religiozne skupine, ki črpajo iz krščanske tradicije, vendar jih ne moremo šteti za kristjane, npr. mandejci, jazidi), nato kaj je islam, ki je prevladujoča religija v makro-regiji. Skozi zgodovinski pregled smo izpostavili vse pomembnejše dogodke in našteli posamezne krščanske skupnosti, ki se na območju nahajajo. Sledi pregled po posameznih državah, ki ga zaključimo z oceno stanja danes in obeti za prihodnost. V tej makro-regiji so se izoblikovali trije veliki monoteizmi (judovstvo, krščanstvo, islam) in njihovo sobivanje lahko predstavlja različne načine, kako bi lahko to sobivanje uredili v ostalih delih sveta. Ali obratno, pri katerih stvareh moramo biti previdni, ko govorimo o sobivanju. Regija je izrazito zaznamovana z nasilnimi in avtoritarnimi vladami in posledično so svetovni mediji polni informacij iz tega dela, ki jih moramo sprejemati z določeno mero kritičnosti. Kristjani so v regiji močno preganjani in njihov delež vztrajno pada, zato je na ostalih delih sveta, da opozarjajo na razmere in poskušajo po svojih močeh pomagati.

Keywords:Krščanstvo, islam, Bližnji vzhod, Severna Afrika, medverstveni dialog, ekumenizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing: Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. J. Vene]
Number of pages:VIII, 113 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97770 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7727706 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Christian communities of the Middle East
In this master thesis, we have tried to describe, using appropriate literature and other information, different Christian communities in the greater Middle East (MENA region - the Middle East and North Africa). First, we have established what is Christianity (there are religious groups that draw from the Christian tradition, but they cannot be labelled as Christian in the macro region, for example, Mandaeans, Yazidis etc.), after that we’ve established what is Islam, which is the most prevalent religion in the macro region. In the historical review, we’ve highlighted all the most important events and we listed individual Christian communities of the region. After that, we followed with a country by country review, which we conclude with the evaluation of today’s state and future prospects. In this macro region, the three great monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) were formed, and their coexistence can represent different manners of how this coexistence could be achieved in other parts of the world. Or the opposite, where do we have to be careful when discussing coexistence. The region is heavily marked with violent and authoritarian governments and because of that, the world media is full of information about the region. That information must be taken with a reasonable amount of criticism. Christians of the region are heavily persecuted and their percentage is constantly declining, so it is up to the other parts of the world to warn about the state and to try and help to their powers.

Keywords:Christianity, Islam, Middle East, North Africa, interreligious dialogue, ecumenism

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