
Mariologija v spisih prof. dr. Antona Strleta: štiri verske resnice o Mariji
ID Pišek, Ana (Author), ID Štrukelj, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3197E8277A59B9B3F9F631A3B179E8E7
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2ad33e93-b132-4da9-b059-bddd08c9e187

Magistrsko delo se posveča mariologiji v spisih božjega služabnika Antona Strleta. Glavni vir so bila skripta prof. Strleta Mariologija I, napisana kot študijsko gradivo slušateljem na Teološki fakulteti in izdana leta 1964. Vsebina je podkrepljena z glavnimi teološkimi deli o dogmatiki; s Koncilskimi odloki drugega vatikanskega koncila ter Katekizmom Katoliške Cerkve. Vsebuje tudi misli znanih teologov, ki so se, oziroma se še, posvečajo mariologiji, kot so Hans Urs von Balthasar, kardinal Joseph Ratzinger – papež Benedikt XVI. in drugi. Prvi del magistrske naloge govori o življenju in delu božjega služabnika prof. dr. Antona Strleta. Osvetljeni so odločilni dogodki njegove življenjske poti, ki so pomembni za lažje dojemanje njegovega znanstvenega in predavateljskega dela ter predvsem njegove predanosti Bogu, ki je izvirala iz žive vere. V drugem delu se srečamo z vprašanjem antropologije, v tem primeru teološkega pogleda na človeka z vidika krščanstva. Strle ga podaja iz Marijinega zornega kota in hkrati tako odgovarja na vprašanje, zakaj govorimo o antropologiji v Marijini luči ter ne v Kristusovi, čeravno je on središče krščanstva. Zadnji, najobsežnejši del, je posvečen Strletovi razlagi štirih verskih resnic o Mariji. Da je Marija božja Mati, da je bila brez madeža izvirnega greha spočeta, da je vedno Devica ter da je bila po smrti z dušo in telesom vzeta v nebesa. Srčika prve resnice je, da je Marija resnično rodila Jezusa, pravega Boga in pravega človeka ter je zato prava božja Mati. Jedro druge resnice je Marijino brezmadežno spočetje, ki nam podaja dejstvo njenega spočetja v telesu matere Ane, ob katerem je bila Marija v prvem trenutku svojega bivanja obvarovana madeža izvirnega greha. Srž tretje resnice o Mariji govori o skrivnosti njene vedne deviškosti. Marija je namreč bila devica pred rojstvom Sina Jezusa ter je devica tudi ostala med in po njem. Zadnja verska resnica pa zajema Marijino telesno in dušno vnebovzetje. Marija je resnično umrla, njeno telo, ki je nosilo Odrešenika, pa ni smelo zapasti trohnobi.

Keywords:Anton Strle, mariologija, verske resnice o Mariji, Marijino božje materinstvo, Marijino brezmadežno spočetje, Marijino vedno devištvo, Marijino vnebovzetje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Pišek]
Number of pages:XIV, 152 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97768 This link opens in a new window
UDC:27-312.47:929Strle A.(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:7725402 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Mariology in essays of prof. dr. Anton Strle: four religious dogmas of Mary
The master's thesis is being devoted to mariology in writtings of prof. dr. Anton Strle. The main source was the writting Mariology I which was written as a study material to auditors at the Theological Faculty and was published in 1964. It also contains the thoughts of well-known theologians who were or are still devoted to mariology, such as Hans Urs von Balthasar, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI. and others. The first part talks about the life and work of the Servant of God, prof. Anton Strle. Excerpts of his life, which are important for facilitating the perception of his scientific and teaching work and above all his devotion to God, which originated from living faith, are being highlighted. In the second part we encounter the question of anthropology in this case the theological view of a man from the aspect of Christianity. Strle introduces it from Mary's point of view and at the same time answers the question of why we aren’t talking about anthropology of the Christ himself, although he is the center of Christianity. The last and the most extensive part is devoted to Strle’s interpretation of four religious truths (dogmas) about Mary; that Mary is the Mother of God, that she was conceived without the stain of original sin, that she has always been a Virgin and that after her death she was taken to heaven, with soul and body. The core of the first truth is that Mary truly gave birth to Jesus, the true God and the true man, and She is therefore the true Mother of God. The essence of the second truth is Mary's immaculatory conception. It gives us the fact of her conception in her mother Anna’s body, in which Mary was preserved from the stain of original sin at the first moment of her life. The basis of the third truth about Mary speaks of the mystery of her true virginity. Mary was the virgin before giving birth to Jesus and she remained being a virgin even during and after that. The last religious truth covers Mary's physical and spiritual assumption into heaven. Mary truly died, and her body, which carried the Savior, was not allowed to be left to decay.

Keywords:Anton Strle, mariology, religious truths (dogmas) about Mary, Mary's divine maternity, Mary's immaculate conception, Mary's perpetual virginity, Mary's Assumption into heaven.

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