
Božje usmiljenje - največja božja lastnost
ID Baša, Aljaž (Author), ID Štrukelj, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo s pomočjo ustrezne literature in z intervjujem misijonarja usmiljenja skušali pokazati, kako je potrebno govoriti in se poglabljati v skrivnost Božjega usmiljenja in kako današnji svet in družba po njem hrepenita. To smo poskušali pokazati s tem, da smo razjasnili odnose med pravičnostjo, ljubeznijo in usmiljenjem. Na videz se zdi, da o usmiljenem Bogu govori samo Nova zaveza v Svetem pismu, v magistrski nalogo pa smo pokazali, da so začetki govora o usmiljenem Bogu v Stari zavezi. Predstavili smo tudi, kako bi moralo zgledati življenje celotne Cerkve s skrivnostjo usmiljenja, to smo poskušali predstaviti z zglednim življenjem nekaterih svetnikov in tudi teologov, predvsem s predstavitvijo papežev od blaženega Pavla VI. naprej. Posebno poglavje smo namenili sedanjemu papežu Frančišku in jubilejnemu letu usmiljenja, ki smo ga praznovali v pastoralnem letu 2015/2016. Predstavili smo tudi Mater Marijo, ki je Mati usmiljenja, ki je pod srcem nosila Usmiljenje in ki ga je bila sama tudi deležna. V prilogi prilagamo tudi intervju z misijonarjem usmiljenja, frančiškanom Antejem Vučkovićem, ki je odgovarjal na zelo zanimiva in aktualna vprašanja, povezana z Božjim usmiljenjem. V magistrskem delu smo predvsem hoteli predstaviti Boga, ki je sam usmiljenje. To je Bog, ki »je sodnik, vendar ne sodi s krutim srcem, ampak usmiljeno. Njegova volja sojenja ni, da bi kaznoval, ampak da reši (odreši). (Baša 2017)«

Keywords:božje usmiljenje, usmiljenje, pravičnost, ljubezen, odpuščanje, greh, Oče, Jezus
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Baša]
Number of pages:VI, 91, XCVIII
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97762 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7675226 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:God's Mercy - God's Greatest Attribute
The aim of this master thesis is to determine a proper way of discourse and reflection regarding the mystery of Divine Mercy and to show how modern society yearns for it. Examination of relevant literature and an interview with a missionary of mercy have enabled us to elucidate relationships between justice, charity and mercy. Although it appears at first that only the New Testament of the Bible speaks of a merciful God, we have shown that the discourse of a merciful God has its beginnings in the Old Testament. We have examined how the Church should live with the mystery of mercy by considering the exemplary lives of a few saints and theologians, particularly the popes of the late 20th century, starting with Blessed Paul VI. A special chapter is dedicated to the current Pope Francis and the Jubilee Year of Mercy that was observed during the pastoral year of 2015-16. However, the most prominent human and saint in this regard is the Blessed Mother Mary, who is the Mother of Mercy, for she bore Divine Mercy in her womb and was blessed by the same Mercy. The Appendix contains our interview with a missionary of mercy, the Franciscan Friar Ante Vučković, who has answered interesting and relevant questions related to the Divine Mercy. Ultimately, these various ways of looking at the Divine Mercy hopefully lead us to God, who is Mercy Himself and who is a judge; however, He does not judge with a cruel heart but mercifully. His will is not to punish but to save. (Baša 2017)

Keywords:divine mercy, mercy, justice, love, charity, forgiveness, sin, Father, Jesus.

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