
Razširitvena plošča za razvojni sistem DE0-Nano
ID RUDOLF, SAŠO (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6430852AE0A6481ACBD0B6BE380CFEDA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c14d9242-e08f-4bd2-b76a-940629c06360

V magistrskem delu je opisano načrtovanje razširitvene plošče za uporabo z razvojno ploščo DE0-Nano. Na začetku je na kratko predstavljena sama razvojna plošča, namen uporabe, tehnologija in kaj plošča vsebuje. V naslednjem poglavju so predstavljene komponente (matrika LED, vzdolžni drsnik, pretvornik iz USB v protokol UART, gonilnik motorja, VGA vmesnik, rotacijski kodirnik, PWM izhod, tipke, analogni vhodi, razdeljevalnik), ki jih vključuje razširitvena plošča. Za vsako komponento je opisan namen, delovanje, uporabljena integrirana vezja, prikazane so električne sheme in razporeditev signalov na priključkih. Na koncu poglavja je predstavljen razdeljevalnik signalov, ki je bil nujen za prenos signalov preko enega priključka. V naslednjem poglavju so opisana osnovna pravila in postopek risanja tiskanine razširitvene plošče. Prikazane so osnovne maske za izdelavo tiskanine. Pred naročilom izdelave tiskanin smo izdelali prototipno ploščo za testiranje načrtanega vezja. Opisan je postopek domače izdelave tiskanine in potrebno orodje. Prav tako sta opisana postopka spajkanja klasičnih in SMD elementov, drža spajkala in pravilnost spajk. Delo se nadaljuje s poglavjem programiranja komponent. Najprej je opisana koda razdeljevalnika, delovanje in nalaganje kode na CPLD. Za uporabo večine komponent, za katere potujejo signali prek razdeljevalnika, potrebujemo na razvojni plošči kodo izbiralnika. Opisano je delovanje kode, prikazan je časovni potek in zakasnitev signalov na vodilu, preko katerega komunicirata plošči. Za uporabo drsnika potrebujemo programsko kodo za komunikacijo po protokolu I2C in uporabniško logiko, ki skrbi za pravilno nastavljanje delovanja in branje pozicij dotikov iz registrov integriranega vezja. Opisana je koda drsnika, vodilo I2C, simulacija za primer prenosa podatkov na vodilu ter sestava registrov. V poglavju je predstavljeno tudi krmiljenje matrike LED in nastavitev integriranega vezja UART pretvornika.

Keywords:Razvojna plošča DE0-Nano, razširitvena plošča, razdeljevalnik signalov, matrika LED, vzdolžni drsnik, pretvornik iz USB v protokol UART, gonilnik motorja, VGA vmesnik, rotacijski kodirnik, PWM izhod, tipke, analogni vhodi, izdelava tiskanine, spajkanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97650 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Extension board for development system DE0-Nano
The thesis describes the configuration of the extension board for the use with the DE0-Nano development board. At the beginning, the development board itself is briefly presented, its purpose, technology and the contents of the board. The next chapter presents the components (LED matrix, linear slider, USB to UART protocol converter, motor driver, VGA interface, rotary encoder, PWM output, buttons, analogue inputs, demultiplexer) included in the expansion board. For each component, its purpose, function and used integrated circuits are described, wiring diagrams and the layout of signals at connections are shown. At the end of the chapter, the signal demultiplexer needed for the transmission of signals through a single connector is presented. In the next chapter are described the basic rules and the procedure of drawing the expansion board stampings. Basic masks for the manufacturing of stampings are shown. Before ordering the manufacturing of stampings, we have developed a prototype board for testing the blueprinted circuit. The method and necessary tools for home manufacturing of stampings are described. Moreover, the process of soldering conventional and SMD components, soldering position and correctness of solders are described. The thesis continues with the chapter on component programming. Firstly, the demultiplexer code, operation and loading of the code on the CPLD are described. To use the majority of the components for which signals travel through the demultiplexer, we need the selector code on the development board. The functioning of the code is described; the timing and signal delay on the bus through which the boards communicate is shown. To use the slider, we need the programme code for communication through protocol I2C and user logic that is responsible for proper functioning adjustment and reading the positions of touches from the registers of the integrated circuit. The slider code, bus I2C, a simulation of the case of data transfer on the bus and the composition of the registers are described. The chapter also describes the control of the LED matrix and settings of the UART converter integrated circuit.

Keywords:DE0-Nano development board, extension board, signal demultiplexer, LED matrix, linear slider, USB to UART protocol converter, motor driver, VGA interface, rotary encoder, PWM output, buttons, analogue inputs, stampings manufacturing, soldering

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