
Doživljanje nosečnosti in poroda po spolni zlorabi : sistematični pregled literature
ID Zagomilšek, Maja (Author), ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6ad4eba2-ae5e-43b6-96a9-addc2fd48bd4

Uvod: Nosečnost je obdobje, ki je prepleteno s čustvi. Če je temu dodana še morebitna travmatična izkušnja v preteklosti, kot je spolna zloraba, lahko nosečnost za žensko predstavlja travmo. Spolna zloraba je zasidrana v podzavesti ženske. Tudi če je od spolne zlorabe preteklo veliko časa, lahko spomini izbruhnejo še posebno v času nosečnosti, pri porodu ali po njem. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti spolno nasilje in njegov vpliv na nosečnost, ugotoviti, kako se ženska s tem spoprijema tekom celotne nosečnosti ter kako doživlja porod po travmatični izkušnji. Avtorica z meta-sintezo znanstvenih študij preverja trditve o vplivu spolne zlorabe na izide v nosečnosti ter po porodu. Avtorica raziskuje povezavo spolne zlorabe s pojavom posttravmatskega stresnega sindroma, poporodne depresije in možnosti prezgodnjega poroda. Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela je uporabljena opisna oziroma deskriptivna metoda dela. Literatura je bila iskana prek različnih podatkovnih baz: COBISS, DiKUL, ScienceDirect, PubMed, Cochrane in Google Scholar. Vključitveni kriteriji so bili angleški jezik ter starost člankov od leta 2007 naprej. Kvalitativna meta-sinteza ustreznih študij je bila izvedena s pomočjo vrednotenja po štiristopenjski lestvici (Eccles in Mason). Rezultati: Meta-sinteza desetih študij je pokazala, da ima spolna zloraba velik vpliv na duševno zdravje ženske. Avtorica je vse zastavljene trditve potrdila. Spolna zloraba je močno povezana z nastopom posttravmatskega stresnega sindroma po porodu. Ženske, ki so utrpele spolno zlorabo kadarkoli v svojem življenju, imajo tudi večje tveganje za nastop posttravmatskega stresnega sindroma že v nosečnosti. Zgodovina spolne zlorabe predstavlja skoraj petkrat večje tveganje za nastanek poporodne depresije ter dvakratno tveganje za nastanek depresije kadarkoli v življenju. Avtorica je trditev o vplivu spolne zlorabe na prezgodnji porod potrdila, vendar je to še dokaj neraziskano področje. Razprava in sklep: Spolna zloraba prizadene vse aspekte ženskega telesa ter duševnosti in obenem lahko vpliva na zdravje naslednjih generacij. Spolno nasilje še vedno velja za tabu temo. Pomembno je ozaveščanje javnosti ter zdravstvenih strokovnjakov, ki se vsakodnevno srečujejo z nosečnicami, porodnicami in otročnicami ter jim lahko z ustreznim znanjem pomagajo ozavestiti zlorabo in jih lahko napotijo k ustreznim strokovnjakom.

Keywords:diplomska dela, babištvo, nosečnost, prezgodnji porod, spolna zloraba, poporodna depresija, posttravmatski stresni sindrom
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher: [M. Zagomilšek]
Number of pages:52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97624 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5348459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing pregnancy and childbirth with a history of sexual abuse : systematic literature review
Introduction: Pregnancy is a chapter of a woman’s life filled with emotion. Any possible traumatic experience in the past, such as sexual abuse, can make the pregnancy especially traumatic. Sexual abuse is forever imbedded into the woman’s subconscious and can resurface during pregnancy or during or after labour, no matter how much time has passed. Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to confer the impact of sexual abuse on pregnancy, to analyse how women react during the pregnancy, and the effect it has on labour itself. The author is validating these (3) claims through the use of a meta-synthesis. Work methods: This thesis is based on a descriptive method. Literature has been acquired through several different data bases, such as: COBISS, DiKUL, ScienceDirect, PubMed, Cochrane and Google Scholar. The base criteria were as follows: written in English, published after 2007. The qualitative meta-synthesis of the appropriate studies was performed with the help of the 4-level grading Eccles & Mason system for categories of evidence. Results: Meta-synthesis of ten different studies has shown that sexual abuse has a significant impact on the mental health of women during pregnancy and labour. The author has confirmed all three of her claims. Sexual abuse is heavily intertwined with the presence of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS) after labour. Women who have suffered sexual abuse during their lives have a significantly larger risk of PTSS during pregnancy. A history of sexual abuse leads to an almost fivefold increase in risk of postpartum depression, as well as a twofold lifelong increase. The author has confirmed the connection between sexual abuse and early labour, however, is still a fairly unexplored field. Discussion and conclusion: Sexual abuse is damaging to both physical and mental aspects of a woman’s body in addition to leaving a mark on the health of future generations. To certain extent, it is still considered taboo, with many women covering up the truth. That is why educating the public, as well as health professionals, who come into contact with these woman on a daily basis, is of the utmost importance, because they can direct them to the appropriate professionals, only with appropriate knowledge.

Keywords:diploma theses, midwifery, pregnancy, preterm birth, labour, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome

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