
Uporaba UV-mutageneze pri vinskih kvasovkah za izboljšanje kakovosti vina
ID Škrab, Domen (Author), ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jamnik, Polona (Comentor)

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MD5: 2312FCD9390A304D39E803E360E89837
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d88f2739-636f-4fde-8dcb-cd43cbe50610

Kakovost vina je poleg ampelografskih posegov in klimatskih razmer v vinogradu odvisna tudi od uporabljenih starterskih kultur kvasovk, ki ob vzpostavitvi optimalnih fermentacijskih pogojev zagotavljajo voden potek alkoholne fermentacije. V okviru izboljšave fermentacijskih, tehnoloških, aromatičnih in metabolnih lastnosti izbranih sevov kvasovk smo uporabili UV-mutagenezo, s katero smo ugotovili, da podaljšana izpostavitev kvasovk UV-sevanju negativno vpliva na živost celic kvasovk, vpliv UV-sevanja pa se odrazi na spremenjenih makromorfoloških lastnostih kolonij kvasovk mutant. Te so nepravilnih oblik z nazobčanim robom ter svetlejše in bolj prozorne barve v primerjavi z neobsevanimi kvasovkami. Fermentacijska kinetika kvasovk mutant se v splošnem ne razlikuje od kontrolnih sevov, so pa posebej razvidne razlike pri analizah fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti pridelanih vin, predvsem pri tvorbi hlapnih kislin in vsebnosti reducirajočih sladkorjev. Rezultati parametrov kakovosti vina kažejo statistično značilen vpliv časa izpostavitve kvasovk UV-sevanju in uporabljenih sevov kvasovk. Skalarno povečevanje količine uporabljenega mošta in bolj osmofilni pogoji fermentacije pa so prispevali k razvoju negativnih arom vina, zlasti v tretjem fermentacijskem poskusu, kjer smo v mošt sorte malvazija inokulirali 30 sekund obsevano mutanto seva LALVIN EC1118.

Keywords:vino, vinske kvasovke, fermentacija, UV-mutageneza, mutanti, tehnološke značilnosti, aromatične značilnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[D. Škrab]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97617 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4846712 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The Use of UV-mutagenesis in wine yeasts to improve the quality of wine
In addition to ampelographic interventions and climatic conditions in the vineyard, the quality of the wine depends on the yeast starter cultures used, which provide guided alcoholic fermentation. In the framework of the improvement of fermentative, technological, aromatic and metabolic properties of selected yeast strains, UV-mutagenesis was used. We determined that prolonged yeast exposure to UV-radiation has a negative effect on the cell viability, and that the effect of UV-radiation is reflected in changed macromorphological properties of yeast colonies such as in irregular shapes with a jagged edge and in brighter and more transparent color. Compared to the non treated yeasts the fermentation kinetics of the yeast mutant generally do not differ from the control strains, but the differences in the analysis of the physicochemical properties of the produced wines are evident, especially in the production of volatile acids, glycerol concentration and in the content of reducing sugars. The results of wine quality parameters show a statistically significant influence of exposure of yeasts to UV-radiation and the yeast strains used. The scalar increase of grape must volume and the more osmotic fermentation conditions contributed to the development of negative wine aromas, especially in the third fermentation experiment where we used 30 seconds irradiated mutant of the strain LALVIN EC1118 in the grape must of the Malvasia variety.

Keywords:win, wine yeasts, fermentation, UV-mutagenesis, mutants, technological characteristics, aromatic characteristics

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