
Spajanje komponent iz aluminijevih zlitin v elektroindustriji
ID Kralj, Mina (Author), ID Klobčar, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D0BB5FBFAFB95F86106C25A32B924756
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/88f54089-7a34-4076-92ce-356118a6ec9f

Zaradi ugodne cene aluminija in njegovih zlitin se v elektroindustriji pojavlja zanimanje o menjavi bakrenih komponent s komponentami iz aluminija. Spoji električnih komponent, ki morajo prenašati velike tokovne obremenitve, predstavljajo kritično mesto v sistemu. Zagotavljati morajo dobro električno in toplotno prevodnost, odpornost proti koroziji ter termo-mehanskim obremenitvam. Teoretični del naloge vsebuje podrobnejši opis različnih vrst aluminijevih zlitin in njihove metalurške lastnosti, značilnosti postopka spajkanja ter osnove lepljenja aluminijevih zlitin z električno prevodnimi lepili. Eksperimentalno se je primerjalo vijačne in spajkane spoje dveh različnih kombinacij aluminijevih zlitin z vidika električne upornosti in natezno-strižne trdnosti. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da spajkani spoji z zagotovljeno ustrezno režo prenašajo večje mehanske obremenitve in so bolj električno prevodni od vijačnih spojev. Vijačnim spojem se električna prevodnost lahko izboljša s srebrenjem površin komponent, večje mehanske obremenitve pa lahko prenesejo z optimalnim oblikovanjem spojev.

Keywords:Aluminijeve zlitine, plamensko spajkanje, vijačenje, električno prevodna lepila, električna upornost, natezno-strižni preizkus.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97574 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.10.2017
KRALJ, Mina, 2017, Spajanje komponent iz aluminijevih zlitin v elektroindustriji [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Joining components made from aluminium alloys for electroindustry
Favorable prices of aluminium and it's alloys lead to an increasing interest of the electro industry to replace copper components with components made of aluminium. Joints of components that have to conduct high currents represent a critical point in the system. They have to ensure good electrical and thermal conductivity, resistance to corrosion and thermo-mechanical loading. The theoretical part of the thesis contains detailed information about the types of aluminium alloys and their metallurgical properties, characteristics of brazing and basic knowledge about the possibility of bonding aluminium alloys with electrically conductive adhesives. Experimental work was focused on comparing bolted and brazed joints of two combinations of different aluminium alloys, regarding their electrical resistance and shear-tensile strength. It was concluded that brazed joints with an appropriate gap have greater mechanical loading capacity than bolted joints and ensure higher electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity of bolted joints can be increased with silver plating of surfaces, whereas greater mechanical loading capacity can be achieved with a better design of the joint.

Keywords:Aluminium alloys, flame brazing, bolting, electrically conductive adhesives, electrical resistance, tensile-shear test.

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