
Kompetentnost sanitarnih inženirjev za vodenje sistemov ISO 9001 in ISO 14001 v storitveni dejavnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Mazi, Katarina (Author), ID Ivanc, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ovca, Andrej (Comentor)

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MD5: DE2A8AD56DC355E30F97FD6AEF5581B8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0f70d0cb-483f-47d1-be5c-800b1fea2df5

Uvod: Diplomant sanitarnega inženirstva je multidisciplinarni profil. Ena izmed njegovih možnosti zaposlitve je tudi delovno mesto predstavnika vodstva za ISO-sisteme vodenja. Namen: V nalogi smo preverjali hipotezo, da je sanitarni inženir primerjalno gledano najprimernejši za zasedbo delovnega mesta predstavnik vodstva za ISO-sisteme vodenja v storitveni dejavnosti. Metode dela: Pri dveh podjetjih v storitveni dejavnosti smo primerjali delovne naloge dveh zaposlenih na omenjenem delovnem mestu. Predstavnik vodstva v podjetju »A« je diplomirani sanitarni inženir, v podjetju »B« pa univerzitetni diplomirani inženir kemijske tehnologije. Nadalje smo primerjali tri dodiplomske študijske programe (sanitarni inženir, kemijski inženir in manager kakovosti) ter ugotavljali, kateri študijski program je na ravni načrtovalca za delovno mesto predstavnika vodstva najustreznejši oziroma nudi diplomantom največ kompetenc. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da se dana hipoteza deloma potrdi v delu, ki se nanaša na tehnični oziroma strokovni del vzpostavitve ISO-sistema. Hipoteza se ovrže v delu, ki se nanaša na teoretično poznavanje ISO-standardov. Diplomant sanitarnega inženirstva je multidisciplinaren in tehnično dobro podkovan, manager kakovosti pa ne v tolikšni meri. Obratno velja za managerja kakovosti, ki tekom študija dobro spozna zahteve standardov (ISO 9001 in ISO 14001) in v podjetju zlahka vzpostavi sistem vodenja. Vprašljivo pa je tehnično poznavanje dejavnosti podjetja, v katerem se ISO-sistem postavlja. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi ugotovitev lahko zaključimo, da obstaja možnost sodelovanja med študijskimi programi, ki bi privedlo do »popolnega tima«. To je v praksi zelo težko izvedljivo, saj delovno mesto predstavnika vodstva v storitveni dejavnosti predstavlja ena oseba in ne tim. Možne rešitve bi bile nadgraditev programa sanitarnega inženirja na 2. stopnji z dodatnimi učnimi vsebinami oziroma zamenjava ali dopolnitev izbirnih predmetov na 1. stopnji študija. Najbolj praktično izvedljiva rešitev bi bila organizirana predavanja manjkajočih vsebin preko centra za vseživljenjsko učenje. Pripravili bi jih diplomanti sanitarnega inženirstva za kolege, ki delajo na podobnih delovnih mestih.

Keywords:certificiranje, kompetence, sanitarni inženir, študijski programi, storitvena dejavnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97465 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5302891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Competence of sanitary engineers for managing the system ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in the service industry : master's thesis
Introduction: A graduate of sanitary engineering is a multidisciplinary profile. A possibility for employment is seen in a position of management representative of ISO management systems. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to prove that a sanitary engineer holds the most appropriate profile for a post of a management representative of ISO management systems in service industry. Methods: The work of two engineers with the above-mentioned position employed in two different companies has been compared. The representative »A« is a sanitary engineering graduate, whereas the representative »B« is a bachelor of science employed in chemical technology. A further comparison and the examination of appropriateness of three study programmes (sanitary engineering, chemical engineering, quality management) in terms of suitability of competences that the graduate receives has been made. Results: The hypothesis can be partially confirmed in relation to the technical and professional part of the ISO system establishment, whereas it has been rejected in relation to the theoretical knowledge of ISO standards. A sanitary engineering graduate is multidisciplinary and technically well versed, which is not the case with a quality management graduate. However, the later becomes well acquainted with standards (ISO 9001 and 14001) during studies and can easily set up the management system in a company. Questionable is only the technical knowledge of the activities of the company in which the ISO system is being set up. Discussion and conclusion: We conclude that there is a possibility of cooperation between programmes that would produce the »perfect team«. This is very difficult to achieve in practice, since the post of a management representative in service industry is held by an individual, not a team. A sanitary engineering study programme upgrade (additional contents) at the master's level is a possible solution as well as the replacement or supplementation of optional subjects at the bachelor's level. Organization of lectures with the missing content at a lifelong learning center would prove optimal. Sanitary engineering graduates would held lectures for colleagues with similar jobs.

Keywords:certification, competence, sanitary engineer, study programmes, service industry

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