The master's thesis represents the development of a smart home system and the implementation of a model smart electrical installation, as well as the implementation of a smart house show case. In this context, the use of low-cost elements with which the installed electrical installation has kept a wide spectrum of functionality at a relatively low cost is crucial. The final product enables the user to manage and control loads in his home environment as well as enabling measurements and display of physical quantities, both locally with the use of classic keys, switches and LED indicators as well as remotely via the SCADA system and mobile application. The development of local management and control for electrical consumers, capturing of physical quantities and communication with the SCADA system is carried out in the development environment of the Arduino IDE. The LabVIEW software environment is used to create a SCADA system that enables remote management and control of electrical consumers and also displays measured physical quantities. Remote control and monitoring via mobile devices is enabled through the LabVIEW Data Dashboard program.