
Lokator okvare v sistemu NEO3000
ID KODRA, MATEJ (Author), ID Pantoš, Miloš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d25b337a-107c-4d81-9a22-e4b61da6f028

Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti lokator okvare v sistemu NEO 3000, njegovo vključitev v sistem zaščite in vodenja. Poleg tega je poseben del posvečen testiranju lokatorja okvare. Diplomsko delo je vsebinsko razdeljeno na pet delov. Prvi del opisuje teorijo lokatorja okvare, v tem delu so namreč predstavljeni različni algoritmi. V drugem delu je opisana problematika, povezana z lokatorjem okvare. V tretjem delu je podrobneje predstavljen algoritem lokatorja okvare v sistemu NEO 3000. V četrtem delu je predstavljeno konfiguriranje lokatorja okvare in njegovo vključevanje v sistem zaščite in vodenja. V zadnjem, petem delu pa je predstavljeno testiranje delovanja lokatorja okvare in ovrednotenje rezultatov.

Keywords:lokator okvare, zaščitni rele, NEO 3000, EES, SCADA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97390 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Fault locator in NEO3000 system
The aim of this thesis is to present a fault locator used in the system NEO 3000 and its implementation in the system of protection and control. The thesis also describes the testing of fault locator. The thesis is substantially divided into five parts. The first part presents the theory of fault locator. This section describes the algorithms for determination of fault location. The second part addresses the problems associated with a determination of fault location. The third part presents the fault locator algorithm used in the NEO 3000 system. The fourth part describes configuration of fault locator and its integration into the system of protection and control. The last, fifth part, is about testing the fault locator and gathered results.

Keywords:fault locator, protection relay, NEO 3000, EES, SCADA

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