
Analiza in predlogi rešitev za spletno mesto ponudnika WordPress tem
ID Jejčič, Jaka (Author), ID Javoršek, Dejana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D68F24591527079047C309C10F44EA3A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/666a901f-e52b-4e18-bff8-11c42d6270ad

Diplomsko delo obravnava primer prenove spletnega mesta podjetja ProteusThemes, ki prodaja WordPress teme. V uvodnem delu je najprej opredeljena prenova spletnih mest, nato pa je razloženo načrtovanje analize konkurence ter uporabnika pri prenovi spletnega mesta. Podane so metode in postopki za lažjo izvedbo ankete obiskovalcev spletnega mesta, predstavljeno pa je tudi orodje za merjenje spletne analitike. Cilji diplomske naloge so bili preučiti trenutno stanje spletnega mesta, zlasti z vidika strukture spletnega mesta, ugotoviti, kdo je uporabnik spletnega mesta, analizirati druge konkurenčne ponudnike ter dobiti rešitve in predloge za spletno mesto podjetja. S pomočjo oblikovanih opazovalnih tabel je bila izvedena analiza konkurenčnih podjetji, kjer smo opazovali tri najpomembnejša spletne strani tovrstnih podjetji: pristajalno stran, stran s knjižnico tem in prodajno stran teme. Na spletnem mestu ProteusThemes smo izvedli anketo, s pomočjo katere smo ugotovili, kdo je uporabnik in kakšni so njegovi nameni. S pomočjo analize podatkov iz spletnega analitika smo tudi ugotovili, kdo je največja konkurenca podjetju. Identificirane so bile šibke točke trenutnega spletnega mesta in točke, kjer ima podjetje možnost, da se izboljša in tako postane bolj konkurenčno na trgu. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da spletno mesto v večini uporabljajo osebe s predznanjem WordPressa. Po uporabljenih metodah so bila izdelana še priporočila in smernice za nadaljne raziskave pri prenovi prodajnega spletnega mesta.

Keywords:Google Analytics, WordPress, spletno mesto, uporabniška izkušnja, uporabnik
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97124 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.10.2017
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Title:Analysis and possible solutions for a website of a WordPress theme provider
The diploma thesis is a study case of redesigning the ProteusThemes website, which sells WordPress themes. The introductory part defines the redesign of the websites and explains the importance of planning the analysis of competition and why it’s important to include users in the redesign process of the website. Methods and procedures are given to make the performance of survey easier, and a tool for measuring web analytics is explained. The goal of the diploma thesis was to check the current state of the website, especially in terms of structure of the website, to find out who the website user is, to analyze other competitive providers and to obtain solutions and suggestions for the company's website. An analysis of competing companies was carried out with the help of designed observation tables, where we observed three of the most important websites of such companies: landing page, page with the library of products and the sales page of the product. On the current ProteusThemes website we made a survey which showed us who the user is and what is its purpose. From the website analytics we found out who is the company’s biggest competition. Weak areas of the current website were identified, also areas where the company has the potential of improvement and be more competitive in the market. The results show that the site is mostly used by people with the knowledge of WordPress. With these methods, recommendations and guidelines were developed for further research in the redesign of the sales website.

Keywords:Google Analytics, WordPress, website, user experience, user

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